Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 16
Review - Essay Example For example, while Mrs. Saunders is a very independent woman and a threat, Victoria is a child, who has no class and little effects on the society. In the second act, although the class difference between the four women characters can be determined, it is not as widely as in the initial action. All women lie in the middle and lower-upper class in the economy classes, with minuscule differences in the hierarchy. As noted, Churchill attempts to analyze the position of women in the society and their empowerment (Churchill, 2013). In the year 1992, Los Angeles experienced the most destructive riots, which were characterized by excessive violence. This play was written to analyze the tension and problems that were the underlying factors behind the unrest. Some of these factors include racial tension, brutality by the police, and weak leadership in the urban centers. The play takes an empirical view of the events that led to the violence, including ethnic tensions, as well as tensions between people of different class. This play uses a historical analysis approach to ignite a combination of enlightening and meaningful basis that brings up painful and emotions. For example, the play refers to instances where people from different races blamed those of different races for their losses after the Rodney verdict. One congresswoman is shown to have fought very hard for people, arguing that she is seeking to make the Whitehouse understand the plight of the people who have been ignored through the riots (Twilight: Los Angeles. 1992, 2014). Carmen is portrayed as the most provocative of all the girls in a place located near a cigarette factory, such that a man would barely pass without having a glance at her. Carmen sings Habanera, which fascinates all young men present save for Don Joe. Before leaving, and Carmen provokes him by throwing flowers at him. Back in the factory, Carmen is blamed for a quarrel that the girls get into, and
Monday, October 28, 2019
Discovering Your Authentic Leadership Essay Example for Free
Discovering Your Authentic Leadership Essay The article discussed authentic, original, leadership. It explained the importance of discovering one’s own leadership. To do that, the article points that you should be yourself! Do not impersonate another leader. By doing so, people around you will know that you are trying to behave like someone else, which may lead to mistrust. Authentic leaders are usually passionate about their goals. They make sure to always practice their values, lead with both their emotions and their minds and they aim for long and meaningful relationships. Original leaders give meaning to their lives by overcoming difficult experiences. By giving meaning to their lives, leaders become more effective. Authentic leaders make it a point to develop themselves on their own. They dislike having a plan handed to them that limits them and forces them to follow a certain pattern or procedure set by someone else. They see that as a kind of copying someone else’s style. When making their own plan for development, they install their own values and morals into it. Thus making it easier for them to practice those values and developing them further. It is also essential for authentic leaders to balance their motivation sources. They should balance judgment, criticism and reprisal. Original leaders see their organization as a very important aspect of their lives. This enables them to clarify their beliefs, values and their understanding of important issues. They also give honest feedback to people around them when it is needed. The practical steps of being an authentic leader are to stay grounded , Empower people around to lead, learn from their life, knowing themselves, practicing their values, balancing intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and finally build a support team.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Importance of Education in Preventing Prejudice Essays -- Importan
Ignorance is a huge problem, it is one of the biggest factors responsible for issues such as racism and sexism. Luckily, ignorance, generally speaking, is a relatively easy issue to fix. The obvious answer here would be more education, but this is not necessarily the case. In order to eliminate much of the racism, sexism, and other forms of prejudice that arise due to ignorance, it is necessary to look at education from another perspective: one that encourages togetherness and development alongside people of all races and genders. One quote by Grace Boggs book The Next American Revolution summarizes the issue perfectly. â€Å"Just imagine what our neighborhoods would be like if, instead of keeping our children isolated in classrooms for twelve years and more, we engaged them in community-building activities with the same audacity with which the civil rights movement engaged them in desegregation activities fifty years ago! ...Our children will be absorbing naturally and norm ally the values of social responsibility and cooperation at the same time that they are being inspired to learn the skills and acquire the information necessary to solve real problems†(Boggs 158). So, the main point here is that prejudice, against all sexes, genders, and creeds, can be eliminated via education that encourages cooperation with the largest variety of people. In order to understand this concept, it is necessary to look at it from a few different perspectives to analyze its viability in modern society. First, it is necessary to examine the current paradigm within education in order to determine exactly what it is about the modern system that requires changing. One of the most immediate concerns comes as a result of the school facilities the... ...r through the power of music, will not be forgotten. Racism, sexism, and other forms of prejudice are simply not acceptable in modern society, and the sooner they can be eliminated altogether, the sooner the world can truly advance. Works Cited Boggs, Grace Lee, and Scott Kurashige. The next American revolution: Sustainable activism for the twenty-first century. University of California Pr, 2012. Print. Dyson, Michael Eric. Holler If You Hear Me 2006: Searching for Tupac Shakur. Basic Civitas Books, 2006. Print. Godin, Seth. Stop stealing dreams. 2012. Print. Hooks, Bell. Teaching to transgress: Education as the practice of freedom. Vol. 4. New York: Routledge, 1994. Print. Marx, Karl, and Friedrich Engels. Manifesto of the communist party. CH Kerr & Company, 1906. Print. Tupac: Resurrection Dir. Lauren Lazin. Perf. Tupac Shakur. 2003. Film.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Comment on the title ‘A Cup of Tea’ Essay
Plan1.Pre-writinga.Gathering information about Katherine Mansfieldb.Revising the texti.Singling out heroesii.Building a timelineiii.Depicting localesiv.Finding phrase a cup of teac.Revising the analysisi.Stylistic devicesii.SPUsiii.Text structured.Studying meaning (a theme analysis)i.How the message revealsii.What the characters learn during the storyiii.What the author feels about the characters and the conflict (Authors Modality)e.Linking the message with the title2.Writing the compositiona.Introductionb. Characters and developmentsc.Messaged.Conclusion3.Verifyinga.Lengthb.SpellingCompositionThe story is written by Katherine Mansfield a famous New Zealand writer. She is considered one of the great masters of the short-story form. Mansfield’s stories are poetic, delicate, and ironic; they are characterized by a subtle sensitivity to mood and emotion, revealing the inner conflicts her characters face and resolve. Her style much influenced by that of the Russian writer Anton Chekhov, in turn had great influence on later short-story writing. From the first lines we get acquainted with the protagonist of the story Rosemary Fell and her husband. The author describes her family and Rosemarys lifestyle: They were rich, really rich, not just comfortably well off. The family is one which is called from the top drawer. The next key character the reader encounters is a young beggar girl from the Curzon Street. In contrast with Rosemary the girl is without a penny to her name. She is the one to mention the key phrase for the first time. Would you let me have the price of a cup of tea? Rosemary is extremely surprised by the absence of money. How extraordinary! To Rosemary it looks such an adventure like something from an imaginary book. And she asks the girl â€Å"Come home to tea with me.†So here we can trace that a cup of tea is the first thing from which the adventure begins. In fact, they meet each other because of the girls intense desire to have money for the price of a cup of tea. So a cup of tea plays key role in the plot it allows the two women meet each other. And Rosemary invites her using convention of tea drinking as a pretext. Come home with me now in my car and have tea. After the meal with tea Miss Smith transforms into something undeniable attractive. When the tea-table was carried away a new being, a light, frail creature with tangled hair, dark lips, deep, lighted eyes†¦ Then Philip appears, he knows his wife well and clearly sees what this is all about. He plays on his wifes jealousy and makes this mischievous adventure stop. The author tries to underline the gap between the rich and the poor. The authors modality shows that theres nothing kind in this irregular adventure which began upon the pretext of having a cup of tea. To break social standards is thrilling when you read about it in books but it wont do in real life. As a result, the a cup of tea adventure leads to Rosemarys inner conflict she asks herself whether Philip thinks she is pretty or he is so dazzled by the beggar girl. To crown it all, the title a cup of tea corresponds to the main developments of the story. Its is like a universal symbol which helps to unite the key occurrences and make the plot look natural. Bibliography 1.  ® Encarta  ® 2009.  © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 3. by Correspondance Vesnik D.A. Moscow, 1976
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Handloom Industry Essay
Handloom industry is a traditional and also a cottage industry in India. It provides employment to the large section of poor people. However, the role and significance of the industry to the national development is declining. In fact, the industry is facing lot of problems such as men, material, methods, machines, money, marketing and management. Handloom industry is a cottage and rural based industry and the handlooms are part of an age old Indian tradition. 35 lakhs handlooms still exist in the country and 65 lakhs people are engaged in the profession. This industry contributes 15 per cent of the total cloth produced in this country. There are 470 Handloom clusters spread in all over the country in highly decentralized manner. Indian handloom industry is the largest in the world and it is low capital intensive industry Indian Handloom Sector an Overview Providing direct and indirect employment to more than 30 lakh weavers, handloom sector is the largest economic activity second only to agriculture in India. Despite the presence of the powerloom sector in a big way along with all its advantages, the handloom sector has been able to withstand the competition. It has also proved its indispensability on certain fronts. Wave of ethnic revivalism and effective state intervention through financial assistance and implementation of various developmental schemes have brought about more than tenfold increase in the production of handloom fabrics. This sector contributes nearly 23% of the total cloth produced in the country. During the year 1996-97, a total production of 7235 million sq. metres of cloth was achieved. The Handloom Act passed by the parliament in 1985 aims to shield handloom weavers against powerloom and textile mill operators by reserving certain textile articles (presently eleven in number) for exclusive production by handlooms. Some major promotional & developmental programmes formulated by the office of the Development Commissioner for Handlooms relate to (a) input support (b) employment generation programmes (c) modernization and upgradation of technology (d) market support (e) welfare measures (f) publicity. In all the schemes emphasis has been laid on assisting handloom weavers directly, including upgradation of their skills etc. Handlooms are a part of Indian heritage, they exemplify the richness and diversity of culture and thence the artistry of the weavers. Conceptualization of the Problems At present, in the whole of Textile industry, the Handlooms-cottage sector has to co-exist with other two sectors, namely unorganized power loom sector and organized mill sector. If we look at globally, due to the huge competition of these two sectors, many developed countries gave up the handloom industry, and there are no handlooms exist at present in many of the countries. In India also, number of handlooms in different clusters is decreasing day by day. In the last fifteen years it has come down to 43.32 lakhs from 65.5 lakhs Handloom workers engaged in this sector. As the handloom industry occupies an important place due to the economic importance, it has been realized that India cannot leave away this industry as other countries did it. On the other hand, India has to pay much more attention to safe guard this industry. The causes for declining of handloom industry with respect to men, material, machines, methods, money, marketing and management categories have to be grouped in order to find the corresponding remedies. This type of analysis will help to effectively address and solve the problems faced by the handloom industry.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Crime and prison population essays
Crime and prison population essays The answer to this question is astounding: the U.S. incarcerates 25% of the worlds prison population with only 7% of the worlds population. This is a disturbing anamoly in the history of the world. Never before has a country been able to incarcerate so many people at such a high rate, two million and 1 in 127 respectively. These large numbers are incredibly difficult to think about in meaningful terms. But if you can imagine the population of Los Angeles in 1950; and if you then put all of those people in some type of cage, you are close to contemplating the immensity of the U.S. incarcerated population. The incredibly important and disturbing factor is how fast this occurred. Todays level of roughly two million was achieved mainly since 1980 when there was about 500,000 people incarcerated. California illustrates how this growth has occurred over a relatively short period of time. Since 1977, the California Department of Corrections (CDCs) prison population has increased from 17,338 to 160,655, over a seven hundred percent increse. If you add the people in Californias federal prisons and county jails, California leads the country with around 258,000 people in prison or jail. When we color these numbers, the problem becomes clearer: of the prison population, African Americans constitute almost one third while they represent 6% of the population. Said another way, 1,996 in every 100,000 African American Californians are imprisoned in comparison to the 242 whites in every 100,000. Latinos, proportionally, have suffered the brunt of Californias prison boom. In 1977, 42% of the prison population was white and 22% was Latino. The two groups are approaching a full reversal because today Latinos represent 35% of the state prison population whereas whites now represent 2 9%. A total reversal appears likely if you look at the juvenile halls in Los Angeles County, where 1,100 of the 1,800 ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Scrooges wealth Essays
Scrooges wealth Essays Scrooges wealth Paper Scrooges wealth Paper During staves 3 and 4 it is shown that although the poor cannot be compared with the amount of wealth Scrooge has, their moral richness is far more larger than Scrooges wealth. Everybody had something to say about it, but nobody said or thought it was at all a small pudding for a large family. It would have been flat heresy to do so. Any Cratchit would have blushed to hint at such a thing. this quotation shows how the Cratchit family do not want to hurt each others feelings and have a sense of what is right and in this case what is right to say and what is not. Furthermore the Cratchit family are very religious because they think saying anything bad about themselves is religiously bad and therefore avoid saying anything offensive. This shows their moral richness, and that although they are poor they have more of a sense of moral rightness than rich people. In addition to this the poor have a great commitment to their family; Martha, who was a poor apprentice at a milliners, then told them what kind of work she had to do, and how many hours she worked at a stretch, and how she meant to lie a-bed tomorrow morning for a good rest; tomorrow being a holiday she passed at home. This shows that the poor have more of a commitment to their family, therefore love their family very much. Also this quote shows that the disadvantaged do not take their job for granted like people from the upper class do. Mrs Cratchit cares a lot for her family as she is constantly worrying whether her family will be able to live happily in their unfortunate conditions: Mrs Cratchit left the room alone-too nervous to bear witnesses-to take the pudding up, and bring it in suppose it should not be enough! This citation shows that Mrs Cratchit cares a lot for her family, and though they are living in intolerable circumstances she still tries to make the best out of the things that are available to her family. Another extract that supports this matter is this: Cratchits wife, dressed out but poorly in a twice-turned gown, but brave in ribbons, which are cheap and make a goodly show for six pence. This shows that though the Cratchit family are poor Mrs Cratchit does try and make herself as much as presentable to society as possible, even if it is cheaply. All of this helps to sustain the idea that although the Cratchits are poor, they still try and make the most of their situations and if they have got money, even a little, then they will try and make the most of it by spending it for their family. This contrasts with Scrooge who doesnt want to spend his money, even though hes got the cash. Martha didnt like to see him disappointed, if it were only a joke; so she came out prematurely from the closet door, and ran into his arms. this quotation definitely shows that the Cratchit family love each other very much and the way Charles Dickens writes about this shows the love that Martha and her father share even though they are living in poor conditions. This contrasts with the absence of love and gratitude in the rich who do not care about the poor. Furthermore when the Christmas spirit takes Scrooge to show his future, Scrooges death and Tiny Tims death make a huge contrast because when Scrooge had died nobody was aware of it, apart from the paupers who had come to take his fine belongings. However, when Tiny Tim had died his whole entire family was near him and had mourned for him. This makes a huge contrast because it shows that Scrooge had no one to take care of him whilst he was on his death bed with rats thriving on his body, whereas Tiny Tim had his whole family with him when he died. It shows that though Scrooge is very rich he didnt have anyone for comfort because of his egotistical character, whereas Tiny Tim was a good person even though he was poor. It makes a contrast because it shows that though Scrooge is filthy rich he cannot buy the love the Cratchits have for each other. Throughout the whole novel Dickens exemplifies, through different characters, what the attitude towards the poor should be like. In stave 1 Marley gives an advice to Scrooge towards the poor advising him to care for them. Mankind was my business. This quote shows that Marley is trying to tell Scrooge that one individual is responsible for every individual in society and if this warning is ignored, because they are blinded by ignorance and want, then that person will suffer an afterlife similar to Marleys: I wear the chain I forged in life. Marley is suffering the consequences of being like Scrooge now in his afterlife. Moreover the Christmas spirit shows Scrooges lonely death when they travel to the future and shows him that he is dead on his bed. a gray-haired rascal, nearly seventy years of age the author is trying to teach scrooge a lesson that if he continues to be heartless towards the poor then nobody would care for him and during his death he would be left alone like the Christmas spirit was showing him presently. Furthermore, towards the end of the novel the ghost tries to make Scrooge feel guilty for what he had done to underprivileged in the past. The phantom tries to show Scrooge how because of him the poor are living in unbearable conditions, but are still grateful for everything they have. The ghost does receive Scrooges attention to how he is responsible for the things he had done to the poor: Spirit! said Scrooge, Show me no more! Conduct me home. Why do you delight to torture? This extract shows that Scrooge is feeling culpable for the things he had done to the unfortunate; before he looked at them with scorn and disgust but now he considers watching the poor and the ghosts of his past in agony, deeming it as torture for himself. This may be a jovial, comic ghost story, but it is also a very serious description of Victorian social attitudes towards society. Charles Dickens makes it very clear of the results of disregarding his caution towards the underprivileged: Most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is doom unless the writing be erased. From this quote you can see evidently that Charles Dickens is trying to send a message to us, the readers of the novel, that if we as human beings continue to ignore the poor then doom will be written in our fate. The message that Charles Dickens is trying to send us through this book is that the rich and middle class should not ignore the poor or they will suffer greatly for their actions in their afterlife. This message is relevant in todays society that does not believe in an afterlife. This is because although there are people drifting away from the religious side of life there are still religious people who exist in society who believe in these sort of messages that there should not be any sort of inequality in society-both status wise and race wise. Also though there may be non-religious people or atheists in society who dont really abide by rules and regulations of a religion, but, they still have morals and a sense of feeling of how they should treat the poor. Therefore whether you look at it in a religious point of view or a non-religious point of view you will still find that such morals and messages are still significant in todays world.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Facts, Geography About the West African Nation of Ghana
Facts, Geography About the West African Nation of Ghana Ghana is a country located in western Africa on the Gulf of Guinea. The country is known for being the second largest producer of cocoa in the world as well as its incredible ethnic diversity. Ghana currently has more than 100 different ethnic groups in its population of just over 24 million. History of Ghana Ghanas history prior to the 15th century is concentrated primarily on oral traditions. However, it is believed that people may have inhabited what is present-day Ghana from about 1500 BCE. European contact with Ghana began in 1470. In 1482, the Portuguese built a trading settlement there. Shortly thereafter for three centuries, the Portuguese, English, Dutch, Danes, and Germans all controlled different parts of the coast. In 1821, the British took control of all of the trading posts located on the Gold Coast. From 1826 to 1900, the British then fought battles against the native Ashanti and in 1902, the British defeated them and claimed the northern part of todays Ghana. In 1957, after a plebiscite in 1956, the United Nations determined that the territory of Ghana would become independent and combined with another British territory, British Togoland, when the entire Gold Coast became independent. On March 6, 1957, Ghana became independent after the British gave up control of the Gold Coast and the Ashanti, the Northern Territories Protectorate and British Togoland. Ghana was then taken as the legal name for the Gold Coast after it was combined with British Togoland in that year. Following its independence, Ghana underwent several reorganizations that caused the country to be divided into 10 different regions. Kwame Nkrumah was the first prime minister and president of modern Ghana and he had goals of unifying Africa as well as freedom and justice and equality in education for all. His government, however, was overthrown in 1966. Instability was then a major part of Ghanas government from 1966 to 1981, as several government overthrows occurred. In 1981, Ghanas constitution was suspended and political parties were banned. This later caused the countrys economy to decline and many people from Ghana migrated to other countries.By 1992, a new constitution was adopted, the government began to regain stability, and the economy started to improve. Today, Ghanas government is relatively stable and its economy is growing. Government of Ghana Ghanas government today is considered a constitutional democracy with an executive branch made up of a chief of state and a head of government filled by the same person. The legislative branch is a unicameral Parliament while its judicial branch is made up of the Supreme Court. Ghana is also still divided into 10 regions for local administration: Ashanti, Brong-Ahafo, Central, Eastern, Greater Accra, Northern, Upper East, Upper West, Volta, and Western. Economics and Land Use in Ghana Ghana currently has one of the strongest economies of West Africas countries due to its richness of natural resources. These include gold, timber, industrial diamonds, bauxite, manganese, fish, rubber, hydropower, petroleum, silver, salt, and limestone. However, Ghana remains dependent on international and technical assistance for its continued growth. The country also has an agriculture market that produces things like cocoa, rice, and peanuts, while its industries are focused on mining, lumber, food processing, and light manufacturing. Geography and Climate of Ghana Ghanas topography consists mainly of low plains but its south-central area does have a small plateau. Ghana is also home to Lake Volta, the worlds largest artificial lake. Because Ghana is only a few degrees north of the Equator, its climate is considered tropical. It has a wet and dry season but it is mainly warm and dry in the southeast, hot and humid in the southwest and hot and dry in the north. More Facts About Ghana Capital: AccraBordering Countries: Burkina Faso, Cote dIvoire, TogoLand Area: 92,098 square miles (238,533 sq km)Coastline: 335 miles (539 km)Highest Point: Mount Afadjato at 2,887 feet (880 m)Ghana has 47 local languages but English is its official language.Association football or soccer is the most popular sport in Ghana and the country regularly participates in the World Cup.Ghanas life expectancy is 59 years for males and 60 years for females. References CIA - The World Factbook - Ghana. Central Intelligence Agency, May 2010.ï » ¿Ghana. United States Department of State, March 2010.Ghana: History, Geography, Government, and Culture. Infoplease.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
COMMERCIAL LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
COMMERCIAL LAW - Essay Example The ways that are used to launder money include using the financial systems or services that cover up the tracks or sources from where the money is being transferred. Whereas, some countries may only consider money laundering when being used in a crime in that administration is being cheated on. The amount of money laundered every year is in billions, posing a policy threat and concerns for the governments. Many governments release the amount of money laundered each year either all around the world or only within their economy. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) in 1996 stated that about 2.3 percent of the global economy consisted laundered money. Therefore, FATF (Financial Action Task Force) is an organization set up to fight money laundering. FATF does not publish the exact figures of money laundered each year because it is impossible to estimate the right amount. Governments and other International bodies have made measurements in order to prevent and combat money laundering2. Financial institutions like IMF and FATF have made efforts to detect these sources and the transactions involving laundered money. International large scale criminal organizations and activities such as drug wars are the main benefactors of money laundering. Issues related to money laundering have existed as long as these international criminal organizations and activities have existed. It has been understood recently that anti-money laundering legislations have been the reason for the drop in both these acts of crime because these acts usually require transmission of funds that have untraceable sources. METHODS The process of money laundering consists of basic three steps are3: 1. Placement 2. Layering 3. Integration PLACEMENT: This is the process of introducing the cash within the financial system through some illicit means. LAYERING: This step consists of covering the tracks or camouflaging the illegal source. INTEGRATION: It is the acquiring the money generated from illegal sour ces from the transactions carried out by illegal funds. To chase away any kind of further suspicions, money launderers convert form of their dirty money into various types such as: 1. Smurfing is a method of breaking the money into smaller deposits of money or purchasing bearer instruments such as money orders and the depositing them into further smaller amounts. 2. Cash smuggling in bulk and then depositing it into offshore banks with greater chances of hiding money. 3. Depositing cash into the accounts of business that involves greater amounts of cash such as strip clubs, casinos, tanning spas etc. 4. Trading money by using over-value invoices to cover the movement of money. 5. Buying controlling interest in a bank that has less rigorous money- laundering legislations and then moving the money without having the bank scrutinize it. 6. Buying gambling chips from the casinos then cashing it after playing for a while in the form of a check or get a receipt proving it as a gambling wi n or spending the money in gambling with the higher odds then showing the wins while hiding the losses. 7. Through paying black salaries to the unregistered employees of a company and black cash is used to pay them. 8. Fictional loans 9. Hiding the money at home or other places 10. Tax evasion and also that legalize unreported assets in tax havens. ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING IN UK Anti-money launderi
Friday, October 18, 2019
'Going global, acting local - communicating global brands to global Assignment
'Going global, acting local - communicating global brands to global markets' - Assignment Example For instance the issues related to the differences in the cultural, political, social and economical factors. This report highlights on the Global, Local and Glocal Strategies followed by various brands. Global, Local and Glocal Strategies The theory of standardization for the marketing activities works on a marketing level but is often seen to lack richness of details that is needed to act at a tactical and operative level. Marketers of multinational organizations are facing difficulties in creating products and advertising programs that can communicate effectively with the diversified target markets. To provide a solution to this problem and assist in this task various frameworks have been developed that would determine the degree of effort required and which effort to follow global, local or mixed. Globalization Robertson (1992, cited by Waters, 2002) stated that globalization can be defined as a concept that leads to compression of the world and at the same time intensifies consc iousness. Speaking broadly two complementary disciplines namely sociology and political economy are seen to make significant contribution to the study of globalization (Coca-Stefaniak & Parker, 2010). From the political economic point of view globalization is defined as an integration of nation economies with the global economies through investment and trade further advanced by technology, â€Å"the process is driven by the theory of comparative advantage, the goal of international competitiveness and the growth model†(Hines, 2000, p. 4). A more diverse viewpoint has been presented from the sociology view point. Ritzer (2004) and Giddens (1991) has seen globalization as standardised and homogenised phenomenon and finally construed by Albrow (1992, p. 248) as â€Å"the process whereby the population of the world is increasingly bonded into a single society†. Hence globalization addresses the business issue by taking a product to the global market (Pym, 2009). While des igning marketing strategy the whole world is viewed as a single entity and standardised products are developed and marketed in the same way everywhere (Vignali, 2001). Zara is a leading international fashion clothing retailer and one of the successful and fastest growing companies in Spain (Hill & Jones, 2009). The designers at Zara create approximately 40,000 new designs every year from which only 10,000 are selected. Zara offers clothing for men (about 22% of sales), women (about 58%) and children (about 20%) (Torun, 2007). It is well known for its fashion sensitive product being manufactured internally. The products offered by Zara are designed as such that it matches with the climatic, cultural and physical differences of the country like small size cloths for people of Japan, cloths matching to the different seasons of South America and special cloths for women in the Arab countries. However 85% to 90% of the basic designs available at Zara are common for all the countries in w hich it serves (Ghemawat And Nueno, 2006). This commonality is due to the regular interaction between La Coruna, the creative team and the local store managers. About 10%-15% of the product offered by Zara does not differ from country to country; they are retrieved from the same menu of products. The products
Management Service Quality and SERVQUAL Research Paper
Management Service Quality and SERVQUAL - Research Paper Example SERVQUAL as a quality analysis tool takes various facets of customer expectation into consideration and matches them with the real experience (Kettinger, and Lee, 2010). This can be used as a measure by managers of medical insurance companies to establish the true nature of their customer’s feelings. There has been almost a 60% growth of medical insurers in the Middle East, especially in the Arab Emirates. The competition for this limited market has inevitably been high over the last decade. Therefore, many firms have adopted professional marketers to handle the selling of their products (Burns, 2012). However, the packaging of these policies may not be as realistic as they ought to be because sales agents aim for commission and may add untrue facts so that they excite the customers.The health sector in the UAE has grown over the past decade because of the massive investment, both in the country and private players in general. Both local and international companies have set ba se in the country because of its reputation of being economically stable. There are various factors attributing to the exponential growth of the general insurance in the country. These include the fact that the health sector no longer operates in the conventional aspect where the government had the highest stake. In this day and age, there many countries have adopted the competitive free market. Secondly, the use of marketing tools that the corporate world was previously using in this industry.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Should Animal Experimentation Be Permitted Essay
Should Animal Experimentation Be Permitted - Essay Example Experiments on the regeneration of spinal nerve endings were conducted at the University of Zurich. In test-tube testing, nerves dismembered from rats were left open to immunoglobulin that blocked regeneration. The nerves regenerated successfully though not fully. The rats were the animals of choice because there was no other suitable replacement. The use of animals in these studies is important as those involved cannot present a raw form of treatment directly to humans. Opposition of experiments conducted on animals is a threat to medical advances and the furtherance of human knowledge. In relation to medical research, since there are no suitable replacements for animals, animal experimentation should be allowed. On the hand, due to the emotions attached individuals to animals, activists call for a ban as this is a selfish act for humans. The claim also is that, â€Å"will humans keep experimenting and murdering animals for these selfish gains till they are endangered?†Moreo ver, still on medical advances, animal testing should not be permitted as the same animals do not have the complexity of the human body (Murnaghan, par 3). Thus, should the products tested on animals fail on humans; it will be a waste of animals such as rats and mice. As a replacement for animals, computer models and simulations can be used to predict the likely reactions from an experiment (Murnaghan, par 3). Animal experiments should not be permitted if at all they are carried out unnecessarily (Environment commission, p.1). This is, in cases, such as those carried out for aesthetic value where animals should not be allowed for use. Instead, they should test their products by looking for volunteers, as it is the humans to use the products. At the same time, it tests on animals should be allowed as the animals conditions are put into considerations during the tests. In this case, they are not to suffer according to the law. This is such that, when the animals acquire adverse condit ions and complications from the experiments or reach the â€Å"human endpoint†(serious respiratory problems, loss of weight and extreme tumor growth), the animal is euthanized if the case is severe (Vos, p. 1). This is to mean that as long the animals welfare is taken into account, testing should be allowed. In drug experiment, animal testing assists in ensuring the wellbeing of medication taken by human beings or stuffs that human being are uncovered to frequently. Animals are used to test the dangers of these substances on humans thus lowering the potential harm and saving lives. Animal experiments should not be allowed as there are alternatives. Despite not being the best alternatives to animals, they can be used to reduce the numbers of animals used as well as the level of their suffering during experimentation. Replacements could be; cell cultures, which reduce the, number of animals used, use of statistics, which uses comprehensive data to gauge the spread of disease, and finally the use of advanced scanning technology that allows for investigation of disease through human scans rather than performing animal testing(Paul, 7). The use of animals for experimenting increases the knowledge and understanding of the animal being used for the experiment. This means that the animal species being used is a beneficiary of the experiment in that researchers may come up with ways to help the animals survive. This is as in cases where
Satellite Centers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Satellite Centers - Essay Example The initial paragraph of the agreement states, â€Å"This Satellite Center will be responsible for establishing a knowledge of and capacity for initiating and supporting accelerated schools for at-risk students in its local school district and to spread this capacity to schools in districts in surrounding areas. The Stanford staff will work with the Satellite Centers to build this capacity and all activities will be geared to that end†(Satellite Center Agreement, 1990). The Satellite Center approaches to Accelerated Schools for a number of reasons. Prominent among these was the desire to get leverage by establishing local capacity and advocacy that would be far more effective with school systems in a specific locality than would be a program operating out of a single national site, We also wanted to try to provide the conditions and incentives for teacher and administrator training programs to transform their activities in conjunction with the hands-on transformation of the schools they would be working with. The Satellite Center Project has a number of objectives (Satellite Center Agreement, 1990) which may be grouped together into three major goals. The first goal of the project is for the Satellite Centers to become the focus for Accelerated Schools training, evaluation and facilitation in their geographic area. They win serve as a vehicle for implementation for many different educational entities desiring to participate in the Accelerated Schools Project. They are expected to provide a forum for the promotion and understanding of accelerated schools through the sponsorship of and participation in conferences and the production of and contribution to publications. Accordingly, Satellite Centers are also expected to revise their teacher education programs to include the Accelerated Schools principles and processes in the curriculum in meaningful ways and to place student observers,
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Should Animal Experimentation Be Permitted Essay
Should Animal Experimentation Be Permitted - Essay Example Experiments on the regeneration of spinal nerve endings were conducted at the University of Zurich. In test-tube testing, nerves dismembered from rats were left open to immunoglobulin that blocked regeneration. The nerves regenerated successfully though not fully. The rats were the animals of choice because there was no other suitable replacement. The use of animals in these studies is important as those involved cannot present a raw form of treatment directly to humans. Opposition of experiments conducted on animals is a threat to medical advances and the furtherance of human knowledge. In relation to medical research, since there are no suitable replacements for animals, animal experimentation should be allowed. On the hand, due to the emotions attached individuals to animals, activists call for a ban as this is a selfish act for humans. The claim also is that, â€Å"will humans keep experimenting and murdering animals for these selfish gains till they are endangered?†Moreo ver, still on medical advances, animal testing should not be permitted as the same animals do not have the complexity of the human body (Murnaghan, par 3). Thus, should the products tested on animals fail on humans; it will be a waste of animals such as rats and mice. As a replacement for animals, computer models and simulations can be used to predict the likely reactions from an experiment (Murnaghan, par 3). Animal experiments should not be permitted if at all they are carried out unnecessarily (Environment commission, p.1). This is, in cases, such as those carried out for aesthetic value where animals should not be allowed for use. Instead, they should test their products by looking for volunteers, as it is the humans to use the products. At the same time, it tests on animals should be allowed as the animals conditions are put into considerations during the tests. In this case, they are not to suffer according to the law. This is such that, when the animals acquire adverse condit ions and complications from the experiments or reach the â€Å"human endpoint†(serious respiratory problems, loss of weight and extreme tumor growth), the animal is euthanized if the case is severe (Vos, p. 1). This is to mean that as long the animals welfare is taken into account, testing should be allowed. In drug experiment, animal testing assists in ensuring the wellbeing of medication taken by human beings or stuffs that human being are uncovered to frequently. Animals are used to test the dangers of these substances on humans thus lowering the potential harm and saving lives. Animal experiments should not be allowed as there are alternatives. Despite not being the best alternatives to animals, they can be used to reduce the numbers of animals used as well as the level of their suffering during experimentation. Replacements could be; cell cultures, which reduce the, number of animals used, use of statistics, which uses comprehensive data to gauge the spread of disease, and finally the use of advanced scanning technology that allows for investigation of disease through human scans rather than performing animal testing(Paul, 7). The use of animals for experimenting increases the knowledge and understanding of the animal being used for the experiment. This means that the animal species being used is a beneficiary of the experiment in that researchers may come up with ways to help the animals survive. This is as in cases where
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Motion Sensors Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Motion Sensors - Research Paper Example Applications of this content distribution network are outlined, followed by a list of the benefits that are associated with use of this system, both on a performance perspective and on a business perspective. Every system has some flaws, and in light of this, the limitations of the system are also discussed. Finally, there is a discussion on the reasons for the success of the system, with an emphasis on the steps taken to improve the performance of the system and the business strategies that are employed to attract and maintain clients. This report aims to analyze the successful implementation of a database system by a major corporation. In this report, focus will be on the Akamai Content Distribution Network. It outlines how the system works, its uses, limitations, costs and profits. Finally, the business approaches used by the corporation responsible for the database system are discussed. Akamai Technologies is a company located in Massachusetts, United States of America. It provides cloud services such as content delivery, web performance solutions, cloud security services and cloud networking connectivity. The company was founded in 1998 by Dr. Tom Leighton, Daniel Lewin, Jonathan Seelig and Randall Kaplan (, 2015). Some of its clients include Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo! and Bing. Development of the company was motivated by a need to solve internet congestion problems which were common at the time. Creating a team of researchers, Dr. Leighton and Mr. Lewin managed to develop mathematical algorithms that could perform intelligent routing and replication of content over a large network of distributed servers. The founders obtained an MIT license for certain intellectual property and they started development in 1998. On April 1999, Akamai Technologies started offering commercial services (, 2015). Most of the company’s early employees were students at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). A
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Effect of the Russian Orthodox Religion Essay Example for Free
The Effect of the Russian Orthodox Religion Essay Orthodox Christianity has had an immense effect on the culture of Russia. The adoption of the Orthodox faith from Constantinople by Prince Vladimir in 988 introduced cultural influences that profoundly affected the Russian consciousness. As the people embraced Orthodoxy it developed a uniquely Russian flavor and rooted deep in the fertile Russian soul. Orthodoxy had a major impact on politics, art, and nearly every other aspect of Russias culture. Orthodoxy helped forge Russias world view and defined her place in the world. The church affected the thought patterns and motivations of a whole culture and changed the way Russians thought about themselves and the ways that they lived their lives. The church acted as a unifying factor for the Russian nation. Church holidays and fasts enriched and brought meaning to the cycle of seasons and sowing in the subsistence society. Russians possessed a deep religious faith and from it they derived a sense of purpose in the universe and the promise of salvation. The church nourished and preserved the culture of Russia during centuries of internal strife and foreign intervention. Orthodox people feel a strong sense of community and brotherhood towards one another through a shared bond of faith. As a result of this emphasis on community, the rights of the group tend to take precedence over the rights of the individual in Russian culture. The Orthodox and Catholic faiths had an adversarial relationship for years. As this rift deepened and grew increasingly antagonistic, the rift between the East and the West also grew. The difference in religion between Russia and Europe can largely explain the vast differences that developed in their cul tures. The Tsar of All Russia derived his power and right to rule from his status as Gods chosen representative on earth. As it is God alone who bestowed power on the tsar, it was in the best interest of the monarchy to protect and promote the church. This conception of the tsar possessing a divine right to rule contributed to the political passivity of the Russian people. In the Byzantium tradition the concept of symphonia defined the relationship between the church and the state and acted as a balance on the unlimited power of the tsar. As the head of the church and the head of the state, the metropolitan and the tsar were equals and the metropolitan had the right to censure the tsar. The dispute between the Possessors and the Non-Possessors challenged the idea of symphonia, or harmony and cooperation between the pillars of society. The Possessors and the Non-Possessors held vastly different ideas about the role the church should play in society and politics. When the philosophy of the Possessors triumphed, the church gained the right to wealth and serfs at the expense of political influence. The tsar became superior to the metropolitan, and the regime could now interfere in secular matters of the church. The release of the tsar from any source of accountability left the tsar with absolute, unlimited power. The abuses of Ivan the Terrible typify the danger of absolute rule left unchecked. The Russian people actually believed that God had sent Ivan to rule Russia as a punishment for her sins. The split between the two factions caused the losers, the Non-Possessors, to be reviled as heretics. This had a negative effect because the church came to be represented by a faction instead of through a consensus. This led to only one set of ideas being developed in the church and the culture and as a result it lost some of its vitality. The Possessors made ritual sacrosanct. Every gesture, word, and movement was significant and to deviate from the service in any way would be heresy. This emphasis in the exterior form of religion over inner exultation paved the way for another conflict that was to seriously undermine the power of the church. The third Rome theory was formulated by the monk Philotheus in the fifteenth century. He asserted that Russia was the heir and protector of the only true faith. Rome and Constantinople had both fallen and Moscow was the third and final seat of Orthodoxy. This theory legitimized the Russian Orthodoxys power and affirmed that she was no longer dependent on Constantinople. A church schism occurred in the seventeenth century due to changes in ritual implemented by the Patriarch Nikon. His attempts to rectify inconsistencies in the rituals of the Greeks and the Russians were merely to establish greater solidarity and continuity between the two faiths. Russia was trying to help the Greeks who were living under Turkish rule since 1439. Russia had a sense of manifest destiny and she felt that she had been chosen to defend the Eastern Orthodox peoples. The belief that ritual must be sacrosanct caused the alteration of ritual to be considered heretical. Those who refused to change their rhythms of worship were called Old Believers and they were executed and silenced by the authorities. The Old Believers insisted on following the old forms because they feared committing heresy. The way they saw the situation was that Rome had fallen because of heresy. Moscow was the last seat of Orthodoxy and if Russia fell from the grace of God, it would mean the end of the world. The basic issue in the schism was the relationship between the Russian and Orthodox churches. Some felt that since Russia had adopted Orthodoxy from Byzantium she should remain a junior partner. Others felt that it was Russias destiny to be a leader and to free her Eastern brethren. The Orthodox relegion has been essential to the people to bring them a sense of hope and destiny and a glimpse of heaven on earth. The choice of Orthodoxy was as influential as the Mongul Yoke on the formation of the Russian character. Orthodoxy brought the people a lot of joy, created a sense of community, intensified the countries isolation, created beautiful art, started wars, complicated politics, and best of all, reminded the people to love each other.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Models of Teacher and Student Centred Learning
Models of Teacher and Student Centred Learning In this part of the essay, I will examine reasons for the shift from teacher-centered to student-centered learning and arguments to why models based approaches are considered more effective than traditional approaches, reflecting on the education value of Siedentops (1994) sport education model. Modern education is shifting from being teacher-led to being more student-centered. Traditional approaches in Physical education (PE) originally follows a sequence which begins with direct teaching of skill in isolation via teachers. This advances into drills to practice skills learned and then executed via games to apply the skills. Direct instruction and teacher-led lessons are criticised regarding the effectiveness of this model. Placek (1983) declares physical education was traditionally marginalized and administrators cared little about the content learned by students in PE, as long as classes were under control. He/she also found the primary focus of PE lessons were to teach students the skills necessary to play sport and perform the activity. Poynton (1986) states PE classes traditionally have been centralized on the psychomotor aspect of learning showing how cognitive, and socio-affective growth was not encouraged. The traditional approach is regarded unproductive/ineffective for learning; It utilizes a One-size-fits-all approach, opposing that individuals learn uniquely and produce different attitudes/behaviour patterns. Lessons using the traditional approaches are Not modified to suit developmental needs of learners and are Limited in capacity to meet diverse needs/goals. Students neglected by this approach are those with learning difficulties and unable to cope with how lessons are delivered. Students above average may consequently be disadvantaged due to unchallenging tasks. Disadvantages occur from command and practice styles of teaching, as only a single method for performing skills is illustrated, with one conceivable response accepted in return: This is ideally catered to the average student. Evidence however opposes views exaggerating the ineffectiveness of traditional approaches as theyve been effective in education for thousands of years. An advantage of this approach is students learn the appropriate content needed, to excel in the real worl d. Teachers also enforce traditional approaches when teaching as theyve encountered it in their experiences as pupils, in order to uphold the traditional approach legacy. Teachers also experience positive feelings for this approach due to previous success performing skills themselves, therefore, they understand the need to develop skills, as a focus of this approach in PE. (Capel, Piotrowsk, 2000). From calls for more models based approaches, Casey (2014) suggested that teachers are concerned that making changes to their pedagogies and curricula will only serve to break something that already works relating to how successful traditional approaches have been. Kirk (2009) examines the conditions for radical reform and introduces three potential physical education futures: More of the Same, Radical Reform and Extinction. Kirk argues more of the same is the most likely short-term future and extinction will occur if radical reform is not incorporated. Radical reform is the most likely long-term future, which advocates for a models-based approach to be put incorporated. Predominately, traditional approaches used to teach PE were direct and teacher centered in the past. However, the prevalence of model based approaches emphasizes a more indirect/student-centered approach, which has caused a shift in teaching. models-based practice is concerned with ensuring teachers and coaches have a comprehensive and coherent plan for teaching/coaching and learning (ODonovan, 2011 p.326).To overcome limitations of the traditional approach , a models -based approach has been advocated; this model proposes practicable resolutions to problems by limiting the range of learning outcomes, subject matter and teaching strategies appropriate to each pedagogical model and thus the arguments that can be used for educational value.( Kirk (2013). Physical education (PE) journals over the years have found models within this approach have proved to be effective in terms of meeting the students individual needs/differences. The models involve students in the decision-making process, which unlike the traditional approach, allows psychomotor, cognitive, and socio-affective growth. Students can exercise different ways to perform skills before they are perfect unlike traditional approaches where teachers directly introduce how skills are performed. Models based approaches proved a more effective way of teaching to understand the effectiveness and advantages of performing different moves in games. Furthermore, Models based practice prepare students with the proper utensils to incorporate the skills learned into other movements in different situations. Advantages of student-centered approaches outweigh the duration taken to apply models effectively, but certain concerns have emerged about using models based approaches. Teachers learning to implement models based approaches have found its a tedious process. However, advantages of models based approaches are justified, regardless of the time spent developing lessons. Techniques used in the models are difficult for teachers to interpret without putting exertion. Significant practice is required for teachers to effectively use models based approaches. Are models based practice a great white hope or a great white elephant? Although when models based approaches were applied, changes in attitude, positive feelings, enthusiasm, vigour and efficacy occurred; the significant issue with advocating the models was teachers lacked experience, leading them to feel like beginners. For neophyte teachers, with little or no prior experience, support was needed for the theoretical move from direct instruction to models based practices. Some teachers found it challenging and intentionally returned to old teaching methods; Others found the change happened gradually. A two-year period was the point which teachers begun to feel comfortable in the changes. To conclude, reviewed papers suggested that practitioners need to see proof from other schools that show that MBP works. Siedentop (1982), suggested replacing physical education with Sport Education. Hasties (2003) states Sport Education(SE) is a response to three major concerns of traditional physical education: the lack of content, discriminatory and abusive practices, and boring and irrelevant content.. An authentic and enjoyable environment is created when SE is used, compared to past PE lessons.SE is a curriculum and instruction model which aims to deliver authentic sporting experiences in PE. An implication of SE is it cannot be fitted easily into a short unit, multi-activity program. Lund and Tannehill (2010) that one model was not capable of delivering the entire breadth and depth of learning required in the different national contexts in which physical education curricula operate. SE emphasises strategic play through three objectives: helping students develop into competent, literate, and enthusiastic sportspeople. Competent sportspeople develop skills and strategies to participate successfull y in games. Literate sportspeople are knowledgeable regarding rules, traditions and values in sport and can distinguish good and bad sport practices. Enthusiastic sportspeople play and behave in ways that preserve, protect and enhance the sport culture (Kirk 2013). SE has six features: seasons, affiliation, formal competition, culminating events, record keeping, and festivity. In SE, units are seasons of 12 lessons or more which differs from multi-activity physical education where units are as short as four or six lessons.SE implements teaching strategies from traditional teacher-centred command styles, to more student-centred guided-discovery and problem-solving, depending on the specific context of the Sport Education season.SE allows for a greater depth of learning and better educational outcomes as students experience several roles in addition to player, such as umpire, coach, journalist, timekeeper, equipment officer and students remain in the same team for the course of the se ason. In conclusion, although models based approaches act as effective solutions to meeting students individual needs/differences and assisting teachers in developing their pedagogies in comparison to traditional approaches; Its important to note the learning process is complicated and were far from fathoming the effect of changing to models-based approaches. This essay will examine on how gender a social factor and other cultural factors such as race, ethnicity and religion intersect with gender to influence teaching/coaching practice. In physical education(PE), physical activity and youth sport, there is a focus on the pedagogies that teachers use to be effective. Teachers and coaches should recognise individuals needs , in order to implement the appropriate pedagogical encounters in sport in the form of programmes, lessons, sessions or activities(armour 2013)pg21.This focus is due to youth voices in physical education where young people tell their experiences of learning in physical education (McPhail 2011) ; This can provoke pedagogical changes. Characteristics such as gender, physical skill ability, (dis)ability, socioeconomic status and ethnicity may influence young peoples interaction, participation and performance in both physical education and sport. (Armour 2013pg 106); thus, teachers and coaches adapt their teaching practice accordingly. by implementing the three dimensions of pedagogy. According to Armour , these are: knowledge in context, learners and learning, and the teachers/teaching. Enacting this p edagogy, teaching/coaching practices can be structured to be inclusive when delivering programs/activities and teaching/coaching approaches (Armour Harris,2013) My focus here is how gender as a social factor might influence teaching/coaching practice; Gender equity in PE has been a focus of extensive research in teaching and coaching practices. Research shows females are asked questions less frequently than males in lessons, especially in maths and science which stereotypically favour males. (Fagot, 1981; Lundeberg, 1997). Males are also hindered due to stereotypes, as theyre penalised more ofter for behavioural issues than females. Stereotypical behaviours associated with females are preferred more in education, which consequently puts males at a disadvantage (Fagot 1981). Studies have demonstrated that physical education complies with this rule as theres a lack of equal treatment depending on gender. PE has been male dominated with notions where boys are perceived to have greater physical and social competence than females and where masculinity and femininity are separated, masculinity being encouraged more in sport. Masculine traits invol ve being strong, aggressive, muscular and powerful whereas Feminine traits involve bring soft, weak, passive, slim or expressive. consequently, students are refused equal opportunity to participate. When planning lessons, teachers should recognise female and male students dont experience PE equally and fairly. Female participation in PE tends to decrease during adolescence as girl will avoid being sweaty due to stereotypes such as girls dont sweat and therefore are afraid of judgement: Girls may feel uncomfortable in sports kit during puberty as their bodies may develop at different rates compared to other female peers. Perpetuation of masculinity with decrese female participation as girls should be slim, and not aggressive and muscular like boys. Gendered disengagement from PE is a concern regarding body image during adolescence. Gendered practice in PE is concerned with the type of activity where students participate differently based on gender. Activities traditionally associated with masculinity and femininity place expectations on females and males that may influence their opportunities for participation. (Valley2013). In general, in both gender groups, those who have high levels of competence also have high levels of physical activity. However,looking further into both groups, boys overall have greater beliefs regarding their physical abilities, and (are) more physically active than females. Boys generally prefer competitive sports or contact sports such as football or rugby whereas girls embody creative activities such dance and gymnastics. Thus, gendered teaching occurs when teachers engage in gendered practice. Some research has found male physical education teachers are, in general, particularly conservative when conducting lessons of dance or gymnastics to female students by showing levels of resist ance. Similarly, research found female PE teachers found delivering dance challenging due to conflict presented by the male students; Male teachers would have been more appropriate to teach boys these activities. Therefore, roles when teaching the national curriculum of PE are considered in terms of matching teachers to students based on gender when it comes to specific activities, and when planning lessons for both gender groups. The influence gender has on teaching/coaching practice can be both negative and positive. If a positive environment is created in PE, then gender should not inhibit learning. Remarkably, gender does not act independently thus its important to examine how gender intersects with other social and cultural factors such as religion, ethnicity, social class, which all predominantly interact on multiple and frequently simultaneous levels. Teachers and coaches therefore need to considers such factors into their practices (for inclusion). When gender intersects with these axes of identities, notably females are presumptively more likely to encounter multiple layers of inequity. For example, many religious requirements can impact on structures and practices in physical education. Islam emphasises modesty in dress codes for boys and girls, especially adolescents. Thus, a need for boys to cover from waist to knees and girls to cover hair, arms and legs. In teaching and coaching practice, teachers should plan inclusive lessons to meet these requirements, especially swimming where religious beliefs preclude participation rate of this group in PE. In coaching, more than teaching, Muslim girls and boys should be granted permission to wear leggings or tracksuit bottoms that cover the body more fully, which will enable them to take part, without neglecting religious requirements. Another aspect of Islam is Ramadan where students may choose to fast; this will influence teaching and coaching practice in regards to ensuring that physical activity continues, without compromising health and safety regulations. Less intense physical activity should take place during Ramadan and activities such as swimming which may compromise Ramadan should be considered; Muslim boys and girls may suffer anxiety from accidently swallowing water during swimming practices. Gender, race and ethnicity also intersect when it comes to participation. Patterns predominantly show: Black students Asian students White students Football, Boxing, Basketball, Athletics and Gym Cricket, Boxing and Gym Cheerleading, netball, football, Rugby League Golf, Hockey, Cricket, Tennis Gymnastics, Horse Riding, Swimming, Athletics, Gym Research suggests: gender and racial power relations are institutionalized in schools through sports social practices in PE classes. By encouraging students participation in specific physical activities and promoting gendered or racial physical activities (i.e., basket-ball, track and field, dance or football), boys learn to become white or black men and girls learn to become White or Black women. This may be due to stereotyping cultures with certain sports. For example: Black male students having a genetic advantage of playing basketball or running the 100 metres and Asian male students engagement in cricket; Because of this, teaching and coaching practices are affected as race and gender influence activity choice in sport. Overall, students may be racialized by parents, friends or teachers to take part in physical activities associated and stereotyped with their race and ethnicity. As a consequence, theres limited opportunities to engage in a range of sports. King (1994) argues for a racially responsive pedagogy to disrupt racial segregation and patterns of participation in physical activity often produced by teachers in physical education classes and coaches in school athletics About armours dimensions, knowledge in context is valuable in teaching and coaching practice as teachers/coaches may use it as tool for to meet the diverse needs individuals. To conclude, concerns of gender and race, ethnicity and religions effect on teaching and coaching practice need to be questioned further to improve physical education/activity and youth sport. Youth voices from different genders and races , ethnicity and religion should continually be analysed , to improve teaching and coaching practices. Understanding the intersection of gender and other factors will act as a resolution in physical education to create pedagogical change.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Real Tragedy of Shakespeares Macbeth :: GCSE English Literature Coursework
Tragedy of Macbeth In a tragedy the main character rises to greatness, then continues to fall down a shame spiral which leads to their down fall. An example of a tragedy is Macbeth. Macbeth is driven up the hill of greatness a rise, then his untamed ambition leads him to death. The process of a tragedy is slow to let the audience become comfortable with the power and happiness of the main character. Then all of the sudden signs appear that the end is coming and the main character heads toward downfall.            In the beggining of the play a battle goes on between King Duncan of Scotland and Macdonwald of Norway. Macbeth fought bravely on Scotland's side and even killed Macdonwald himself. King Duncan hears of Macbeth's brave and noble qualities and crowns him the new Thane of Cawdor. The king states that the old Thane should not device, "... Our bosom interest: go pronounce his present death, And with his former title greet Macbeth." (1.2.63-65) Macbeth is hostile to except the rank because earlier three witches prophesied that Macbeth would become Thane of Cawdor even though there was one at that time. Since Macbeth was crowned Thane of Cawdor, Banquo and Macbeth think that the three withches adre able to correctly tell them their fate.  Macbeth now having higher-ranking authority begins to have his ambition act up on him and crave more power. Lady Macbeth organizes King Duncans murder, which increases Macbeth's ambition and enables Macbeth to rise up to the ultimate height. The murder is carried out but not as planned and Macbeth is driven to kill the king himself. Macbeth states after everyone found the dead king," Loyal and neutral, in a moment? no man. The expedition of my violent love..." (2.3.111-112) This was the only done to destroy and thoughts that may have targeted Macbeth that he could have killed the king.  The greediness for power and the witches prophesies have made Macbeth a very disturbed man. Believing in everthing that the witches say, Macbeth hires three murders to kill both Banquo and his son. By having them killed no one shall be in line to take the crown away from Macbeth. Macbeth then hears that Macduff is pondering on ways to seek revenge so Macbeth plans for death of Macduff's family. Macbeth went for his family hoping to hurt him on the inside to show Macduff not to mess with Macbeth.
Friday, October 11, 2019
How to Make Enchiladas (Informative Speech)
In a couple of hours it will be time for dinner. If you’re anything like me, you’ll probably stand in the middle of the kitchen or stare at the fridge aimlessly, thinking about what you can come up with tonight. When looking for a delicious, quick and easy dinner†¦ I have a solution for you. Make Enchiladas! They only take about an hour and a half to make, and are something the whole family will enjoy. I’ll tell you how to make Easy Enchiladas and you decide if it makes you hungry or not. Before cooking anything it is always best to wash your hands and any countertops or cutting boards that you will place food on.Some quick preparation that can be done before starting; is thawing out the chicken ahead of time to make cooking time shorter, shred cheese if needed but I like to use the pre shredded cheese, open the Enchilada sauce cans, and pre heat your oven to about 350. All the supplies you will need are pretty inexpensive. My recipe makes about twenty enchi ladas. The food items you will need are: 5 Boneless skinless chicken breasts, 2 cans of La Victoria enchilada sauce, one bag of any medium cheddar cheese (about 8 cups if shredding by hand) and twenty corn tortillas.Utensils needed are a big pot to boil the chicken in, a strainer, two bowls (one big and one small), can opener, big spoon, and a baking pan to fit the enchiladas in. Once you have all the supplies and prep done, now you are ready to start making the enchilada filling. First you will want to fill your big pot about three quarters of the way full with water and bring it to a boil. When the water starts to boil you can add the chicken breast. Be careful because the pot and water are extremely hot and may splash back up at you.You will want to let the chicken boil for about fourty-five minutes to one hour. I check if the chicken is cooked all the way through by cutting a breast in half and making sure there is no pink in the meat. When the chicken is done, you will want to strain the water from the chicken (being cautious again from the steam coming off the chicken and out of the pot, VERY HOT! I have burned myself many times straining chicken. ) Let your chicken cool down for about fifteen minutes to make it easier to handle. Once it’s cool to touch, you can then hand shred it.Basically just take a piece and start pulling it a part into bite size strands. Put it in a big bowl and add one and a third of cans of the Enchilada sauce to your chicken and mix. Your filling is now done. Next you will want to wrap twenty corn tortillas in a cloth and microwave for two to two and a half minutes (just until they are soft). You can now put the rest of the leftover enchilada sauce into the small bowl for tortilla dipping. Dip a tortilla into the sauce and make sure it has a good amount all over. This is done to give the tortillas that enchilada kick.Set your tortilla down in the baking pan and put a spoon full of the Enchilada filling on top along with a pinch of cheese. Roll up the enchilada as you would a taco or a burrito. Repeat dipping, adding chicken and cheese, and rolling of enchiladas; placing the enchiladas side by side, until the whole baking pan is full. Now for the best part! Add as much cheese to the top of the enchiladas as you’d like. (I usually add a smaller layer over the whole thing). Crank your oven up to 375-400 and put the enchiladas (uncovered) in.Watch them carefully because some cheese melts faster than others. Leave them in the oven for about 15 minutes. Just depending on when the cheese starts to melt or turn golden brown. You can now take your enchiladas out and let them cool down because they should be pretty hot. Serve them to your family and watch them enjoy. This is a quick and easy recipe that I have adapted from my grandmas recipe, to make it an Easy enchilada dinner. I hope that you now will go home and try making them yourself, their pretty good! Thank you for your time.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Exas Philippines, Incorporated Company Case Essay
Exas Philippines, Incorporated is a privately owned company by Japanese investor and run and managed by Japanese consultants and experts. It’s main business since the birth of their mother company are METAL STAMPING PRODUCTION (transient or manual and progressive dieset) and TOOL and DIE DESIGNING, PROCESSING and VALIDATION. I belonged in these two production businesses. Our department receives customers’ product technical drawings. We make tool and die design as basis for quotations then customers feedback for approval for the design price. Then processing follows on metal parts components of the go project(s). Assembly will follow of the processed tool and die. Validation follows to deliver engineering samples based on specifications required. Once the delivered samples are approved in their line assembly, mass production will follow at our metal stamping production area. Today, Exas Philippines has been adopting several methods and techniques to add and improve its methods of productivity and quality that is far better than existing technology. This development however, fully sustained daily activities that affect daily production output of the manufacturing industry including transportation. In fact, the effect of certain method and process shows as one of the largest components that helps the company to be more competitive in the market today. Within it, this methods and innovation plays a main role in satisfying customer demand developing trust and confidence among others. One known product that this company produced is MAIN PLATE, a metal stamped part that serves as the major component of digital camera to be assembled in Pentax Philippines, one known customer of ours. Among other parts suppliers, Exas Philippines remains one of its biggest and trusted plastic molding and metal stamped parts supplier for almost a decade. Trust and confidence we did to sustained and keep for future partnership ahead. In this matter, some market, somehow develop a unique and effective process approach in all its product and services. In such, inquiring new and state of the art tools and machineries, successful management program and improved process which could allure investors and potential customers in general. Moreover, products and services providers in an open market like us, need to innovate and enhance operation to the maximum utilization of resources and cost to be more competitive, especially commercial value of our products and services were greatly controlled and dictated by our customers. Where at point, it is a need for the manufacturing industry to forecast total profit prior to producing or launching a certain project through extensive process evaluation and analysis of every aspect of manufacturing and somehow build and innovate unique and well-develop processes. Since main plate manufacturing process and cost involves values need to be considered and improved, moreover, it has the longest and overmanned process to date as evidenced by the results of the operation production and delivery during the first two months. And with the company’s aim for â€Å" Continuous Improvement†and â€Å"Process Optimization†, the researcher conducted this study for possible remedies and measure which has to be developed to improve this poor performance process operation. CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE II STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The study helps to improve the present methods to be more efficient and productive. Thus, it is the goal to optimize production output of Main Plate. The study conducted specifically and systematically to provide answer to the following: 1) Are the present methods or set up efficient in terms of the following? 1) Process lay-out activities evident for cheaper and safer process. 2) Process flow chart implemented specifies steps required in terms of lay-out cost. 2) Can the material be improved for cost analysis? 1) Pricing 2) Material kind 3) Material rejection or scrappage 3) Is the manpower available sufficient enough? 1) Manpower vs. Process lay-out 2) Manpower vs. Machines 3) Man-hours requirement vs. Production plan 4) Machineries and fixtures fully utilized? 1) Press stamping machine utilization per day 2) Bench drill for chamfering and tool bits utilization 3) Pneumatic tool grinder, cutting and polishing tools utilization 4) Degreasing Machine Utilization b) What would be the proposal to modify or improve the high cost of production of Main Plate in terms of ? b.1) Labor cost b.2) Machine and Equipment set up c) How would modification of the process benefits the company, the department, the employees, the valued customer as well as the researcher? II SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The study helps the company understand the nature and true cost of work and reducing unnecessary costs, and balancing processes in the line to make work flow smoother. It also helps the company to be more competitive in an open market, highly productive and profitable in return. Also using effective techniques that will enhance processing time will eventually increases productivity with less cost, less manpower and man-hour requirements. This study serves as the guidelines for the manufacturing department to determine man and machine effective planning, established time and motion standards to improve production planning and material preparation in general. It will also provide relevant information in settling financial statement, resource allocation and product estimating cost and value. For the employees, it will boost their morale for work since there is that proper division of work load, improve their working conditions and environment. This will also benefit me since I learn time and motion study from this project. I could apply this at my working section, at my home as learning for my family for time management for better results. To the company’s valued customers and business partners, the assurance of on-time deliveries with satisfying high quality product is highly guaranteed. CHAPTER II THE DATA Scope and Limitation: The study conducted by the researcher is focusing mainly on ten (10) different processes involve in producing MAIN PLATE product. The following are the processes: 1) Blanking 6) Flattener 2 2) Piercing 7) Tapping 3) Chamfering 8) Degreasing 4) Flattener 1 9) Visual Checking 5) Polishing 10) Final Packing The entire processing of the product is the main scope of the project where most of the critical problems has been found and identified. The primary targets of the research are to established standard time and methods to be followed in the processing of the said product as well as to improve productivity and reduce manufacturing cost. The project involves considerable cost . Some of them involve a large number of activities which must be carefully planned and coordinated. There are few which can be completed on time, cost and performance targets. Furthermore, another aim of the study is to determine how profitable are the new and improved methods established by the researcher.
Land Law Notes Essay
Land includes land of any tenure, and mines and minerals, whether or not held apart from the surface, buildings or parts of buildings (whether the division is horizontal, vertical or made in any other way) and other corporeal hereditaments; also a manor, an advowson, and a rent and other incorporeal hereditaments, and an easement, right, privilege, or benefit in, over, or derived from the land Law of Property Act 1925 s.62 A conveyance of land shall be deemed to include and shall by virtue of this Act operate to convey, with the land, all buildings, erections, fixtures, commons, hedges, ditches, fences, ways, waters, water-courses, liberties privileges, easements, rights, and advantages whatsoever, appertaining or reputed to appertain to the land, or any part thereof, or, at the time of conveyance, demised, occupied, or enjoyed with, or reputed or known as part or parcel of or appurtenant to the land or any part thereof. ‘He who owns the land owns everything up to the sky and down to the depths’ Unrealistic in modern times – pipes underground, aircraft above etc. Bernstein v Skyviews & General Ltd 1978 QB: Establishes that a landowner doesn’t have unqualified rights over the airspace of his land. Fixtures and Fittings Law of Property Act 1926 s.62 ‘Whatever is fixed to the land becomes part of the land’ Holland v Hodgson 1872 LR 7CP 328: Looms were fixtures as they were attached to the floor by nails, not just their own weight. If an article is annexed to the land by something more than its own weight, it’s a fixture, therefore part of the land. Elitestone v Morris 1997: Bungalow couldn’t be removed without its destruction. An objective test to determine whether the object was intended for the use or enjoyment of the land, or for the more convenient use of the object itself. General principle: whether an object is part of the land is determined by†¦ a) The physical degree of annexation Chelsea Yacht & Boat Co v Pope 2000 1WLR 1941: Boat on a river was a chattel not a fixture b) The purpose of the annexation: for better enjoyment of the land or for the better enjoyment of the chattel? Leigh v Taylor 1902 AC 157: These tapestries were works of art, but could be removed without causing structural damage. Therefore they were chattels not fixtures. Re Whaley 1908 1Ch 615: These tapestries were hung as to create the effect of an Elizabethan dwelling house, therefore they were fixtures. Relevance? Buyer: Taylor v Hamer 2002 EWCA Civ 1130: The Court decided that the flagstones were fixtures, and suggested that a seller is not allowed to remove fixtures without informing the buyer if there is a possibility that the buyer expects the fixtures to be included in the sale. Mortgage lender: Botham v TSB 1996 EGCS 149: The bank applied to the High Court to decide if certain everyday articles in the borrower’s flat were ‘fixtures’ and therefore were subject to the bank’s mortgage, so it could sell them as mortgagee. Taxation: Melluish v BMI 1996 AC 454 Landlord and tenant: A tenant has the right to remove ‘tenants fixtures and fittings’ at the end of the tenancy: Young v Dalgety 1987 1 EGLR 116: A better definition of a tenant’s fixture is any item which is properly legally identifiable as a fixture and which was installed and continues to be removable by the tenant, is a tenant’s fixture. Spyer v Phillipson 1929 2 Ch 183: So long as the chattel could be removed without doing irreparable damage to the demised premises, neither the method of attachment nor the degree of annexation, nor the quantum of damage that would be done either to the chattel itself or to the demised premises by the removal, had any bearing on the right of the tenant to remove it. Wessex Reserve Forces and Cadets Association v White 2005 EWHC 983: landlord’s intention here to ‘demolish’ the premises only led to its aspirations of regaining possession being ‘flattened’ when the court held that (objectively) the landlord’s (subjective) intention could not be implemented and that, in any event, the landlord would not require possession of the premises to carry out the proposed works. Ownership of things found on the land. Parker v British Airways Board 1982 QB 1004: court decided that the finder of a gold bracelet in a public area of British Airways was entitled to possess it against the whole world save the true owner. An occupier of a building has rights superior to those of a finder over chattels on or in, but not attached to, that building if, before the chattel is found, he has manifested an intention to exercise control over the building and the things which may be on or in it. Bridges v Hawkesworth 1851: The finder of a lost article is entitled to it as against all but the true owner. Waverley BC v Fletcher 1996 QB 334: owner or lawful possessor of land owned all that was in or attached to it. Local authority which owned a public open space had a right SUPERIOR to Finder to things found in the ground of that open space and was entitled to possess them against all but the rightful owner. Buried Treasure Treasure Act 1996 s.1(1) Defines what treasure is s.4(1) When treasure is found, it vests, subject to prior interest and rights†¦in the Crown†¦ s.8(1) A person who finds an object which he believes or has reasonable grounds for believing is treasure must notify the coroner for the district in which the object was found (within 14 days) s.8(3) Any person who fails to comply with subsection (1) is guilty of an offence†¦ s.10 Payment of rewards
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Psychological experience of leisure (in first person) Essay
Psychological experience of leisure (in first person) - Essay Example However, leisure and the role of leisure in our day lives in terms of the psychological motivations and the elements which combine together to create a sense of leisure are only a recent development in the fields of psychology and sociology. There are instances where one person may find extreme relaxation while another may suffer extreme anxiety, for example, the idea of going to a classical music recital may appeal to some but may be considered torture by others (Caldwell, 1992). The definition of leisure is a complex one since there are a numbers of ways which accurately define what leisure is. In its broadest definition, it can be understood as time left after work is done as it is explained in contemporary terms by Roberts (1999). This does not include an application of this idea to those who are retired or those who have no employment to take up the majority of their time. Additionally, there can be situations where work itself becomes so absorbing and entertaining that it falls under the heading of Leisure (Haworth & Lewis, 2005). Therefore a personal definition of leisure is important and it can be said that a person intrinsically knows when they have experienced leisure as opposed to work that is mentally or physically draining. Additionally, a leisure activity may be influenced by guilt associated with indulgence and avoidance of work which might alter the nature of the experience as well as the quality (Bà ©rubà ©, 2005). In fact, Haworth and Lewis (2005) make the point that research on leisure should be conducted on an experiential basis focusing on the positive dimensions of the leisure experience by including aspects of motivation, autonomy and personal enjoyment. Such an experience of leisure would also cover serious leisure as discussed by Stebbins (2004), who differentiates between the forces of work, leisure and
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Unit 5 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Unit 5 - Assignment Example This enables the study not to depend on a specific method of collecting data. With such an approach, the researcher is in a position to concentrate on situations that are more complex, but still have the situation context taken into account. The alternative is the restrictive approach; the case study on a particular issue has to be restricted by an event, time, or a particular place. This ensures that the study is more specific and the qualitative topic remains relevant. This approach also gave room for a more extensive and detailed study. Empirical investigation allowed me to use several sources as evidence to support the study. By using this approach, my work achieved an understanding that is deeper and gave room for the triangulation of the several data collection methods I used. The approach indicates the possibility of various sources of data, hence need for triangulation (Johnson & Onwuegbuzie, 2004). The data collection approach involved the sharing of sentiments allowing data to be collected through observation from participants, in-depth interviews, documentation reviews, and questionnaire reviews. This made the collection of data an easy process and thus most suitable for my case study. The mixed method approach involves the collection, analysis, and interpretation of both qualitative and quantitative data while considering the study of a particular phenomenon. A mixed method design is a representation of both an intuitive and logical appeal, which offers a platform for doing away with the gap between quantitative and qualitative paradigms. A mixed method approach will include the strength of both these approaches while at the same time minimizing the weaknesses of the respective approaches (Sun, 2009) The mixed method approach helps the researchers to consider a more defined and wide range of questions for research so that they are not restricted to a particular approach. More so, by having
Monday, October 7, 2019
Ecology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Ecology - Essay Example What they thought was to stop using the things that an urban family would use every day. While this may sound not so difficult in the context of suburb or rural living, the sternest of problems is the fact that the Beavan Family lives in the super metropolitan of New York. You can simply imagine how it would be like waking up in every morning not allowed to use toothpaste or a shampoo. But that is just less of what Colin Beavan cemented as a commitment: he intended to reduce his personal impact to the environment for one year by practicing vegan diet, purchasing locally-produced foods, turning off the refrigerator, no elevators, no cars, no buses, or no airplanes, not using products that contain environmentally-detrimental contents, no electricity, no material consumption, and no garbage. For a skeptic, this is a complete delusion that has gone overboard but for Colin, this is just one way to protect and save the environment for the generations to come. Although the caption of the do cumentary absolutely waxed lyrical the many eyes of the witnessing populace, it was likewise devaluing, reducing the impact of Beavan’s experiment into a mere marketing publicity-stunt that points towards selling albums or books. For cynically-inclined observers, Beavan’s endeavor may just fall under the futile category; although, that is primary due to the fact that it is a lot simpler to presume the pits and most horrible upshots – it necessities slightest contemplation. No Impact Man would really make cynics doubt about the contrived nooks and crannies as the main cause of coming up with the documentary: (1) it is possible that Beavan is using the documentary in order to advertise books. In any case, he is a writer and quite a prolific one at that; or (2) it is also possible that Beavan is trying to increase the people’s awareness of what the humanity can do in order to save the planet. However, if you would enable yourself to surpass your individual d isbelief and doubt about the purpose of the documentary, you might be amazed by the extraordinary undertaking involved in the documentary. Whether it is some sort of a publicity stunt or whatever, Beavan’s experimentation to an incredibly carbon-reduced path for quite a long period of time (one year is long for such an activity) in a highly urbanized zone while nurturing a two year old child – is a sincere and honorable effort; and considering the fact that this experiment is causing too much dilemma on his wife, Michelle, a writer for Businessweek – it is also a valiant one. What is very impressing about Beavan’s experimentation is that he is not the kind of person so used to â€Å"simple living†nor he is an environmental activist; he is actually a city man living in the realms of the influential New York City but still able to adapt to the kind of life that early Americans have lived while maintaining his location. He never moved from New York; he stayed in New York. And with the most challenging circumstances of not being able to take advantage of the conveniences of a city life, that is more than just a challenge; it is a complete horror. That partly explains why Beavan’s experimentation was one-of-a-kind and extremely praiseworthy. Beavan and his wife precluded from using PUVs so for a year, they were allergic of cabs, trams, and trains. They
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Labor and Employment Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Labor and Employment Law - Essay Example The previous department manager left the company during this employee’s leave. The new manager has agreed to this employee’s return to the previous job, at the previous rate of pay. But the manager has denied the request for the 11 weeks of withheld salary. In this context, the provision for the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 can be applied to some significant extent. Some of the most important clauses of the act are (EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES, 2009): For the purpose of incapacity because of pregnancy, or prenatal medical care and/or child birth; In order to take care for the concerned employee’s child after the birth, also placement for the adoption or related to foster care; To take care for the concerned employee’s partner, son or the daughter, or the parent, who possesses a grave health condition (EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES, 2009); One of the most important properties of the act is that if an employee takes leave in regard to any one of the above mentioned conditions, then the business organization where the person works is liable to provide the total amount of employment compensation to that employee. However, there is certainly an upper limit to the total time span of taking the leave – 12 months of maximum time (EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES, 2009). However, the FMLA requires covered employers to provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave to eligible employees for the following reasons: †¢ For incapacity due to pregnancy, prenatal medical care or child birth; †¢ To care for the employee’s child after birth, or placement for adoption or foster care; †¢ To care for the employee’s spouse, son or daughter, or parent, who has a serious health condition; or †¢ For a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the employee’s job. Under these circumstances it is most likely to argue that the company or the new manager is not liable to pay the full 11 weeks’ salary to the employee. Hence, in this situation, there has not been any violation of the concerned law (EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES, 2009). Situation B: One employee is 68 years old and has been with a particular company for 42 years. During the annual performance review last month, it was determined that this employee was doing â€Å"above average†work in the department. Employee B was denied a promotion due to age. A co-worker given the promotion, who is 32 years old, received a performance review of â€Å"adequate.†In this respect there has been a violation of the act. This is due to the fact that the person who has been promoted is the co-worker of another person who has been originally chosen by the company for promotion. As this 68 years old person was denied taking the promotion by the company, therefore it became one of the most illegal aspects to share the promotion with another co-worker of this 68 year s old employee. In this respect, as the older employee himself did not reject taking the promotion and as this decision has been entirely been forced on him by the company, therefore the law has significantly been violated. In this respect the older employee is expected to question the company regarding their act. Also the employee is expected to make legal case against the company asking why the management of the company has denied his
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