Thursday, August 29, 2019

Indie media and popular cultural Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Indie media and popular cultural - Assignment Example The Cleveland Show was developed out of Family Guy. Reflexivity as intertexuality illustrates certain grand meaning. Cleveland Jr. is illustrated as obese, to show the dieting challenges or poor eating habits in America. Reflexivity as nostalgia reevaluates the past in terms of the present. Cleveland Brown gets a new wife called Donna Tubbs, after the previous marriage failed. Parody illustrates making fun at original work through humor. The show creates fun out of the two dysfunctional families illustrated in Family Guy. Flaneur illustrates the strolling act and related associations (Shaya 109). I have engaged in Flandeur by idling in the park; thus I was able to observe the colors of the birds as they perched on trees. I have also strolled in the streets, and hence meet a high school friend entering the office. Through leisure in a club, I managed to observe the behaviors of drunken patrons. Postmodernism illustrates significant transformations in the political, economic, and social aspects of modernity. It is a political movement because it illustrates changes in ideas. One example is the development of the popular culture in the American

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