Friday, December 27, 2019
Business Law Assignment 2 Case Study Essay - 1147 Words
Business Law Assignment 2 Case Study Analysis Question (a) This case study of John and Dan manifests some legal issues which need a close analysis. The first legal aspect identifiable from this case is incorporating terms by a means of appending a signature on those terms. Secondly, the element of letting the buyer be aware is manifesting itself in this case through incorporation of notice in the terms of a contract. Additionally, any jury involved in this case may be interested in looking to the standard of service offered by John. The element of negligence can also be singled out in the case. Dan notified John and this aspect may be a point of consideration in handling this case. With reference to the case of L’Estrange v F Graucob Ltd, whereby L’Estrange was supposed to fully comply with what she endorsed by signing, Dan and John’s scenario applies (Marson 2013, pp. 194). The aspect of John signing the terms presented to him by Dan regarding the potential condition that might evolve due to the design of his suit bounds him into the contract. This applies regardless of whether he read those terms written there in or not. The Law will presume that John must have read the terms before appending the signature. However, there is loophole still left out in that incorporation of terms by an act of appending a signature requires that both parties append the signature (Singh 2010, pp. 234). In John and Dan’s scenario, we only see John signing. Before Dan and John entered in toShow MoreRelatedPsy 100 Week 8 Assignment 2 – Adjustment Case Study – New Updated Work1210 Words  | 5 PagesPSY 100 WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT 2 – ADJUSTMENT CASE STUDY – NEW UPDATED WORK To purchase this Click here: Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM PSY 100 WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT 2 - ADJUSTMENT CASE STUDY - NEW UPDATED WORK Write a three to six (3-6) page paper in which you: 1. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Looking At College As A Subculture - 1795 Words
Introduction: The topic I choose to do my term project on was looking at college as a subculture. The definition of subculture is a cultural group within a large culture. These groups often have similar beliefs or interests. Everybody who attends college and be put into a category of a subculture. Even if you attend college and do not associate with anyone, you’re still place in a subculture group. But I didn’t just look at students who attend college. For my research I first observed four different students. Two students I observed were from the states. One student was from the Dominican Republic, and the last student was from Gambia which is located in Africa. I conducted most of my research at Penn State of Schuylkill and part of my†¦show more content†¦It lead to suspicion in my eyes, but further investigation lead me to believe that it is just easy for them to communicate amongst one another. It is what comes naturally to them. This also occurs when I was studying the male student from Gambia. There was one point in my observations where he answered the phone and started speaking to the person in his native language. Both students were bilingual, which was very interesting when it comes to somebody who isn’t familiar with it. They tend to gro up themselves around people who speak or understand their language. Another theory that I incorporated with my research was functionalism. â€Å"To study the function of a social activity is to analyze the contribution that the activity makes to the continuation of the society as a whole†(Giddens, Duneier, Appelbaum, and Carr, 2013, p. 19). Each student has an effect on the community and society we are involved in. The student from my area seeks to major in IST and become a person to shut down invaders of the government’s internet. The student from Upper Dauphin seeks to major in Criminal Justice and become a probation officer. The other two students from outside countries are undecided with what they want to do but still contribute to this society just by being here. Their presence brings a different look on society and showsShow MoreRelatedTheory of Delinquency1458 Words  | 6 Pagesfocus on subcultures, i.e. groups within wider society with norms, lifestyles a nd values distinct from those of mainstream society. The focus in sub-cultural theories is on delinquency. In the UK, a preoccupation with the idea that future crime was determined by juvenile delinquency came about as a result of the 1895 UK Gladstone Committee, wherein research focused on gang culture among young males (aged 16-25). Deviance is perceived by sub-cultural theorists as a product of a subculture of delinquencyRead MoreCulture Is The Greatest Human Invention1243 Words  | 5 Pagesentertainment. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Information Technology in Intelligent Parking-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Development of Information Technology in Intelligent Parking. Answer: iParking: An intelligent parking system for large parking lots For making the parking system better, this paper illustrates the development of parking system, which is known as iParking which is a very low cost system and is also able to detect the arrival and departure of the vehicles automatically. The system of iParking can be used by the users by installing an application of iParking in their smart phones. The system of iParking maily has four components, involving sensor roles, server, user interface, and routers (Zheng et al 2015). Sensors usually detects the spot weather the spot is empty or filled-up. The sensor is usually low-cost and is little affected by the environmental factors. Routers helped in the system helps to forward data from sensors to the other routers. The work of the server that is highlighted in this paper is to collect the data that are sent by sensor nodes and then forwards them and stores the data. Parking Survey Made Efficient in Intelligent Parking Systems This paper explains the working of parking system with the use of magnetic sensor. The survey that is done on parking is most important thing for all the managers involved in parking and the researchers and planners. This paper discusses all problem related to build a parking survey in the parking system where there is parking spaces, entry as well as exit that are to be detected by the system of parking. There are many advantages of the magnetic sensors (Chen et al. 2016). These magnetic sensors are very advantageous because of low cost, less in size, power consumption is less and the installation process is easy as compared to other sensors. The magnetic sensors mainly use the Wireless Sensor Network for data detection. The WSN works on mainly on three layers, convergence layer, detection layer, and access layer. This report also involves four types of parking algorithm. The algorithm involves Turnover of Parking Space, Average Parking Time, Parking Utilization Rate, and Parking Co ncentration Index. An approach for building an intelligent parking support system This paper describes all the procedures for building up a parking system. The system that is developed in this paper not only includes the features of other parking systems, but also includes three recognizing techniques, which includes automatic recognition of the license plate of the vehicle, semiautomatic recognition over camera, and barcode recognition (Thai-Nghe and Chi-Ngon 2014). The system of parking that is proposed in this paper includes managing the park in and park out of the vehicle, management of parking card, management of employee, account management, searching, and also doing the statistics References Chen, N., Wang, L., Jia, L., Dong, H. and Li, H., 2016. Parking Survey Made Efficient in Intelligent Parking Systems.Procedia engineering,137, pp.487-495. Thai-Nghe, N. and Chi-Ngon, N., 2014, December. An approach for building an intelligent parking support system. InProceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Information and Communication Technology(pp. 192-201). ACM. Zheng, D., Zhang, X., Shu, Y., Fang, C., Cheng, P. and Chen, J., 2015, April. iParking: An intelligent parking system for large parking lots. InComputer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2015 IEEE Conference on(pp. 37-38). IEE
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Development Of Anatomy And Physiology Essay free essay sample
, Research Paper Merely like all other scientific discipline which developed and grew to the scientific disciplines we know today, anatomy and physiology progressed through wonder, the thrust to detect and understand every bit good as to? interrupt the norm of things? , which at the clip was Galen. In the early 1500? s, wellness scientific discipline was still a mix of mysticism, faith, scientific discipline and wrong information. Ideas, techniques, and pattern were all dominated by these factors. With the of all time alert oculus of the church, alteration and experiment faced great examination with any irregular, ungodly thought. Hands-on sawboness were nil more than meatmans, and medical pupils in certain instances had to fall back to sculpt robbing. With the? slightly? inaccurate Hagiographas of Galen act uponing many? physicks? of the twenty-four hours, the involuntariness to alter merely proved to be yet another obstruction. But there were those who would withstand, and hunt for the replies with the thrust and devotedness needed to promote the scientific consciousness in medical specialty. We will write a custom essay sample on The Development Of Anatomy And Physiology Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Galen was one of the most influential Grecian authors on scientific discipline whose plants were the taking authorization in medical specialty and? physick? . So impressive were Galens? plants that his Hagiographas reached and influenced Muslim states. His work would besides last the trial of clip, with his Hagiographas re-emerging and consulted in clip for the Renaissance, although, some of his plants were still being circulated among the Arabs? much earlier than in Europe. He understood the importance of dissection and observation and? was said to be brilliant in diagnosing? . Galen besides knew the importance of experimentation and hands-on work. ? If anyone wishes to detect the plants of Nature, he should set his trust non in books on anatomy but in his ain eyes # 8230 ; but so long as he merely reads, he will be more likely to believe all the earlier anatomists because there are many of them. ? But, despite Galens? infallible Hagiographas, it had been discovered that there were mistakes in Galens? description of the human anatomy. And it was thanks to one adult male that unfavorable judgment of Galens? plants had begun. Andreas Vesalius was non the typical physick of his twenty-four hours. ? Unlike the professors before him, Vesalius did non remain seated high in his professorial bishops throne. Alternatively, Vesalius himself handled the organic structure and dissected the organs. ? He had the thrust which was needed to excite farther progresss in physiology. He had an irregular method for garnering specimens for anatomising. Grave-robbing, cadaver scavenging, as morbid as they may look, they merely went to demo Vesalius? willingness and enterprise to larn R / gt ; and detect new things. This in bend would uncover the mistakes in Galens? work. Vesalius had realized, ? that Galen? s apparently? human? anatomy was truly merely a collection of statements about animate beings in general? . He displayed his findings during a public anatomy at Bologna. He had set up two skeletons, one of an ape and one of a adult male to demo the error which Galen had made in mention to an extremity that extended ? from the vertebra to the hip # 8230 ; ? which was merely present in the ape. Although Vesalius still held true to Galenic thoughts and mistakes, he had in fact opened the door for others after him to inquiry and reappraisal Galens? Hagiographas. Santorio Santorio was another person who aided in the promotion of physiology. He acknowledged the ancient doctors, ? he steadfastly founded his work on theirs? , but however went about? utilizing his ain experience to rectify the medical plants of Hippocrates, Galen, Aristotle, and Avicennia. ? Santorio had besides? struck a decease blow at ancient medical specialty? with his transition of the antediluvian? wits? to proper measures which were mensurable. Slowly but certainly, anatomy and physiology easy began to interrupt free of their bonds. Galen? s work was no longer? hone? and the survey of human anatomy had become unfastened and accepted. Although, unhappily plenty, human ignorance still managed to linger. Marcello Malpigihi was genuinely one of the true first doctors. His surveies and plants so great, that in an obituary missive, he was mentioned as? The Incomparable Malpighi? . His work with the microscope revealed many new and and undiscovered ? views? . His experiments and surveies covered the gustatory sensation buds, the encephalon, the pigment bed in the tegument, the tegument, the kidneys, the lien, to advert a few. Equally good as surveies on the anatomy of assorted animate beings. What? s more, his work in analyzing these new countries are every bit amazing. He was what had transpired from Vesalius? inquiring of Galens work. ? Marcello Malpighi was a great scientist whose work had no dogmatic integrity. ? But with all this accomplished, in the eyes of the Church his plants were? of usage to no doctor? ! But it was excessively late for the Church and human ignorance. The seeds of advancement had been sown and were turning nicely. Anatomy and physiology were on their manner. They had broken the barriers of conformance, ignorance, and the unknown. Thankss to many persons throughout history, who with their bravery, wonder, thrust and spirit all helped to convey anatomy and physiology to a new degree of understanding and to how we know them today. ( map ( ) { var ad1dyGE = document.createElement ( 'script ' ) ; ad1dyGE.type = 'text/javascript ' ; ad1dyGE.async = true ; ad1dyGE.src = 'http: // ' ; var zst1 = document.getElementsByTagName ( 'script ' ) [ 0 ] ; zst1.parentNode.insertBefore ( ad1dyGE, zst1 ) ; } ) ( ) ;
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