Friday, December 27, 2019
Business Law Assignment 2 Case Study Essay - 1147 Words
Business Law Assignment 2 Case Study Analysis Question (a) This case study of John and Dan manifests some legal issues which need a close analysis. The first legal aspect identifiable from this case is incorporating terms by a means of appending a signature on those terms. Secondly, the element of letting the buyer be aware is manifesting itself in this case through incorporation of notice in the terms of a contract. Additionally, any jury involved in this case may be interested in looking to the standard of service offered by John. The element of negligence can also be singled out in the case. Dan notified John and this aspect may be a point of consideration in handling this case. With reference to the case of L’Estrange v F Graucob Ltd, whereby L’Estrange was supposed to fully comply with what she endorsed by signing, Dan and John’s scenario applies (Marson 2013, pp. 194). The aspect of John signing the terms presented to him by Dan regarding the potential condition that might evolve due to the design of his suit bounds him into the contract. This applies regardless of whether he read those terms written there in or not. The Law will presume that John must have read the terms before appending the signature. However, there is loophole still left out in that incorporation of terms by an act of appending a signature requires that both parties append the signature (Singh 2010, pp. 234). In John and Dan’s scenario, we only see John signing. Before Dan and John entered in toShow MoreRelatedPsy 100 Week 8 Assignment 2 – Adjustment Case Study – New Updated Work1210 Words  | 5 PagesPSY 100 WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT 2 – ADJUSTMENT CASE STUDY – NEW UPDATED WORK To purchase this Click here: Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM PSY 100 WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT 2 - ADJUSTMENT CASE STUDY - NEW UPDATED WORK Write a three to six (3-6) page paper in which you: 1. 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Enron start collapse (â€Å"Case study: The collapse†, n.d., pp.1-2). Definitions Accounting scandals are political and business scandals using illegal accounting systems and fraud in the financial statements. According to Hanson (2002, p.1), Enron accounting scandal is the most important common failure in the banks during the 1980s in the United States. This leads to changing in business and the law. When Enron was bankrupt, the economy of America was dropped
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Looking At College As A Subculture - 1795 Words
Introduction: The topic I choose to do my term project on was looking at college as a subculture. The definition of subculture is a cultural group within a large culture. These groups often have similar beliefs or interests. Everybody who attends college and be put into a category of a subculture. Even if you attend college and do not associate with anyone, you’re still place in a subculture group. But I didn’t just look at students who attend college. For my research I first observed four different students. Two students I observed were from the states. One student was from the Dominican Republic, and the last student was from Gambia which is located in Africa. I conducted most of my research at Penn State of Schuylkill and part of my†¦show more content†¦It lead to suspicion in my eyes, but further investigation lead me to believe that it is just easy for them to communicate amongst one another. It is what comes naturally to them. This also occurs when I was studying the male student from Gambia. There was one point in my observations where he answered the phone and started speaking to the person in his native language. Both students were bilingual, which was very interesting when it comes to somebody who isn’t familiar with it. They tend to gro up themselves around people who speak or understand their language. Another theory that I incorporated with my research was functionalism. â€Å"To study the function of a social activity is to analyze the contribution that the activity makes to the continuation of the society as a whole†(Giddens, Duneier, Appelbaum, and Carr, 2013, p. 19). Each student has an effect on the community and society we are involved in. The student from my area seeks to major in IST and become a person to shut down invaders of the government’s internet. The student from Upper Dauphin seeks to major in Criminal Justice and become a probation officer. The other two students from outside countries are undecided with what they want to do but still contribute to this society just by being here. Their presence brings a different look on society and showsShow MoreRelatedTheory of Delinquency1458 Words  | 6 Pagesfocus on subcultures, i.e. groups within wider society with norms, lifestyles a nd values distinct from those of mainstream society. The focus in sub-cultural theories is on delinquency. In the UK, a preoccupation with the idea that future crime was determined by juvenile delinquency came about as a result of the 1895 UK Gladstone Committee, wherein research focused on gang culture among young males (aged 16-25). Deviance is perceived by sub-cultural theorists as a product of a subculture of delinquencyRead MoreCulture Is The Greatest Human Invention1243 Words  | 5 Pagesentertainment. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Information Technology in Intelligent Parking-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Development of Information Technology in Intelligent Parking. Answer: iParking: An intelligent parking system for large parking lots For making the parking system better, this paper illustrates the development of parking system, which is known as iParking which is a very low cost system and is also able to detect the arrival and departure of the vehicles automatically. The system of iParking can be used by the users by installing an application of iParking in their smart phones. The system of iParking maily has four components, involving sensor roles, server, user interface, and routers (Zheng et al 2015). Sensors usually detects the spot weather the spot is empty or filled-up. The sensor is usually low-cost and is little affected by the environmental factors. Routers helped in the system helps to forward data from sensors to the other routers. The work of the server that is highlighted in this paper is to collect the data that are sent by sensor nodes and then forwards them and stores the data. Parking Survey Made Efficient in Intelligent Parking Systems This paper explains the working of parking system with the use of magnetic sensor. The survey that is done on parking is most important thing for all the managers involved in parking and the researchers and planners. This paper discusses all problem related to build a parking survey in the parking system where there is parking spaces, entry as well as exit that are to be detected by the system of parking. There are many advantages of the magnetic sensors (Chen et al. 2016). These magnetic sensors are very advantageous because of low cost, less in size, power consumption is less and the installation process is easy as compared to other sensors. The magnetic sensors mainly use the Wireless Sensor Network for data detection. The WSN works on mainly on three layers, convergence layer, detection layer, and access layer. This report also involves four types of parking algorithm. The algorithm involves Turnover of Parking Space, Average Parking Time, Parking Utilization Rate, and Parking Co ncentration Index. An approach for building an intelligent parking support system This paper describes all the procedures for building up a parking system. The system that is developed in this paper not only includes the features of other parking systems, but also includes three recognizing techniques, which includes automatic recognition of the license plate of the vehicle, semiautomatic recognition over camera, and barcode recognition (Thai-Nghe and Chi-Ngon 2014). The system of parking that is proposed in this paper includes managing the park in and park out of the vehicle, management of parking card, management of employee, account management, searching, and also doing the statistics References Chen, N., Wang, L., Jia, L., Dong, H. and Li, H., 2016. Parking Survey Made Efficient in Intelligent Parking Systems.Procedia engineering,137, pp.487-495. Thai-Nghe, N. and Chi-Ngon, N., 2014, December. An approach for building an intelligent parking support system. InProceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Information and Communication Technology(pp. 192-201). ACM. Zheng, D., Zhang, X., Shu, Y., Fang, C., Cheng, P. and Chen, J., 2015, April. iParking: An intelligent parking system for large parking lots. InComputer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2015 IEEE Conference on(pp. 37-38). IEE
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Development Of Anatomy And Physiology Essay free essay sample
, Research Paper Merely like all other scientific discipline which developed and grew to the scientific disciplines we know today, anatomy and physiology progressed through wonder, the thrust to detect and understand every bit good as to? interrupt the norm of things? , which at the clip was Galen. In the early 1500? s, wellness scientific discipline was still a mix of mysticism, faith, scientific discipline and wrong information. Ideas, techniques, and pattern were all dominated by these factors. With the of all time alert oculus of the church, alteration and experiment faced great examination with any irregular, ungodly thought. Hands-on sawboness were nil more than meatmans, and medical pupils in certain instances had to fall back to sculpt robbing. With the? slightly? inaccurate Hagiographas of Galen act uponing many? physicks? of the twenty-four hours, the involuntariness to alter merely proved to be yet another obstruction. But there were those who would withstand, and hunt for the replies with the thrust and devotedness needed to promote the scientific consciousness in medical specialty. We will write a custom essay sample on The Development Of Anatomy And Physiology Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Galen was one of the most influential Grecian authors on scientific discipline whose plants were the taking authorization in medical specialty and? physick? . So impressive were Galens? plants that his Hagiographas reached and influenced Muslim states. His work would besides last the trial of clip, with his Hagiographas re-emerging and consulted in clip for the Renaissance, although, some of his plants were still being circulated among the Arabs? much earlier than in Europe. He understood the importance of dissection and observation and? was said to be brilliant in diagnosing? . Galen besides knew the importance of experimentation and hands-on work. ? If anyone wishes to detect the plants of Nature, he should set his trust non in books on anatomy but in his ain eyes # 8230 ; but so long as he merely reads, he will be more likely to believe all the earlier anatomists because there are many of them. ? But, despite Galens? infallible Hagiographas, it had been discovered that there were mistakes in Galens? description of the human anatomy. And it was thanks to one adult male that unfavorable judgment of Galens? plants had begun. Andreas Vesalius was non the typical physick of his twenty-four hours. ? Unlike the professors before him, Vesalius did non remain seated high in his professorial bishops throne. Alternatively, Vesalius himself handled the organic structure and dissected the organs. ? He had the thrust which was needed to excite farther progresss in physiology. He had an irregular method for garnering specimens for anatomising. Grave-robbing, cadaver scavenging, as morbid as they may look, they merely went to demo Vesalius? willingness and enterprise to larn R / gt ; and detect new things. This in bend would uncover the mistakes in Galens? work. Vesalius had realized, ? that Galen? s apparently? human? anatomy was truly merely a collection of statements about animate beings in general? . He displayed his findings during a public anatomy at Bologna. He had set up two skeletons, one of an ape and one of a adult male to demo the error which Galen had made in mention to an extremity that extended ? from the vertebra to the hip # 8230 ; ? which was merely present in the ape. Although Vesalius still held true to Galenic thoughts and mistakes, he had in fact opened the door for others after him to inquiry and reappraisal Galens? Hagiographas. Santorio Santorio was another person who aided in the promotion of physiology. He acknowledged the ancient doctors, ? he steadfastly founded his work on theirs? , but however went about? utilizing his ain experience to rectify the medical plants of Hippocrates, Galen, Aristotle, and Avicennia. ? Santorio had besides? struck a decease blow at ancient medical specialty? with his transition of the antediluvian? wits? to proper measures which were mensurable. Slowly but certainly, anatomy and physiology easy began to interrupt free of their bonds. Galen? s work was no longer? hone? and the survey of human anatomy had become unfastened and accepted. Although, unhappily plenty, human ignorance still managed to linger. Marcello Malpigihi was genuinely one of the true first doctors. His surveies and plants so great, that in an obituary missive, he was mentioned as? The Incomparable Malpighi? . His work with the microscope revealed many new and and undiscovered ? views? . His experiments and surveies covered the gustatory sensation buds, the encephalon, the pigment bed in the tegument, the tegument, the kidneys, the lien, to advert a few. Equally good as surveies on the anatomy of assorted animate beings. What? s more, his work in analyzing these new countries are every bit amazing. He was what had transpired from Vesalius? inquiring of Galens work. ? Marcello Malpighi was a great scientist whose work had no dogmatic integrity. ? But with all this accomplished, in the eyes of the Church his plants were? of usage to no doctor? ! But it was excessively late for the Church and human ignorance. The seeds of advancement had been sown and were turning nicely. Anatomy and physiology were on their manner. They had broken the barriers of conformance, ignorance, and the unknown. Thankss to many persons throughout history, who with their bravery, wonder, thrust and spirit all helped to convey anatomy and physiology to a new degree of understanding and to how we know them today. ( map ( ) { var ad1dyGE = document.createElement ( 'script ' ) ; ad1dyGE.type = 'text/javascript ' ; ad1dyGE.async = true ; ad1dyGE.src = 'http: // ' ; var zst1 = document.getElementsByTagName ( 'script ' ) [ 0 ] ; zst1.parentNode.insertBefore ( ad1dyGE, zst1 ) ; } ) ( ) ;
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The quiet american Essay Example For Students
The quiet american Essay The film The Quiet American takes place during the 1950s in Vietnam. The movie illustrates the atmosphere of Vietnam previous to the Vietnam War and during the French occupation of the country. The main plot of the movie revolves around three characters: Fowler played by Michael Caine, Pyle played by Brendan Fraiser, and Phoung played by Do Thi Hai Yen. For the duration of the movie the three main characters are involved in a semi love triangle. This triangle and the emotions that the male characters feel towards Phoung begin to characterize the way they feel about the country of Vietnam itself. Vietnam becomes feminized, taboo, and sexualized just as Phoung does in Pyle and Fowlers eyes. The manner in which Fowler and Pyle struggle over Phoung represents the approach that Britain and America employed in their fight to save Vietnam from communism. Pyles intentions toward Phoung, although similar in some cases to Fowlers, differ greatly at the same time. Both men view Phoung as a sort of object that needs to be saved or requires some sort of assistance in order to endure life. When Pyle falls in love with Phoung upon their first meeting, he decides that he must do whatever he can or whatever he deems necessary in order to save Phoung from a lowly existence. This is the exact same way that Pyle views Vietnam and its present condition. He wants to rescue Vietnam from what he believes to be unadulterated evil: communism. Pyle does this in any way necessary, whether it requires his support of a third party dictator or standing by and watching the massacre of countless innocent Vietnamese citizens. Pyle doesnt love Vietnam so much as he hates communism, in the same way he doesnt love Phoung so much as he does not want Fowler to have her. Fowler on the other hand walks a thin line between noninvolvement and participation within the situations at hand. Fowler believes that Vietnam should be left to make its own decisions, but at the same time he is afraid of the conseq uences of such choices. This policy of noninvolvement and noncommittal is the same way that he approaches all the situations within his life. Fowler does not want to become concerned with the circumstances occurring in Vietnam and he also does not wholeheartedly become involved in the situation between Pyle and Phoung until he is forced to do so. He essentially permits Phoung to decide whom she wants to be with until he is compelled to leave his state of neutrality when it does not seem as if he will become the winner of her heart. Yet again Fowlers feelings towards Phoung embody his feelings towards Vietnam. Fowler wanted to give Phoung a chance to make her own decisions until he becomes petrified that she will choose the stability of Pyle rather than himself. In a similar way, Fowler believed that Vietnam should be able to choose what would occur in its own future but he was afraid at the same time that they would make the wrong decision and elect a communist leader. Although Phou ngs embodiment of Vietnam is the major personification of the film, there is yet another. During the film, Phoung refers to French men and their instability as boyfriends to Vietnamese women. The women of Vietnam become disillusioned with the French suitors much as Vietnam becomes disillusioned with France and wants their occupancy of the country to come to an end. Once the Vietnamese women become disenchanted with the French men they turn to suitors from Britain and America much like Phoung turned to Pyle and Fowler. This is representative of Vietnam pitting Britain and America against one another in order to gain whatever it was that was needed at the timed, whether it was an end to French occupancy or financial and military support. You must choose a side in order to remain human, this is what Fowlers associate reminds him of towards the end of the film. This is what this movie was really about. In the end everyone had to choose which side they were going to be on. Even Fowler ha d to make a choice. By opting to fight for Phoung, Fowler also decided to fight for Vietnams right to choose. By choosing to save Phoung, Pyle chooses to save the country that he loved so dearly. When its all said and done, it does not really make a difference which side you choose as long as you choose a side. .ua1ce8cb0f5f58ddd0940b8da48d2d955 , .ua1ce8cb0f5f58ddd0940b8da48d2d955 .postImageUrl , .ua1ce8cb0f5f58ddd0940b8da48d2d955 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua1ce8cb0f5f58ddd0940b8da48d2d955 , .ua1ce8cb0f5f58ddd0940b8da48d2d955:hover , .ua1ce8cb0f5f58ddd0940b8da48d2d955:visited , .ua1ce8cb0f5f58ddd0940b8da48d2d955:active { border:0!important; } .ua1ce8cb0f5f58ddd0940b8da48d2d955 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua1ce8cb0f5f58ddd0940b8da48d2d955 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua1ce8cb0f5f58ddd0940b8da48d2d955:active , .ua1ce8cb0f5f58ddd0940b8da48d2d955:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua1ce8cb0f5f58ddd0940b8da48d2d955 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua1ce8cb0f5f58ddd0940b8da48d2d955 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua1ce8cb0f5f58ddd0940b8da48d2d955 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua1ce8cb0f5f58ddd0940b8da48d2d955 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua1ce8cb0f5f58ddd0940b8da48d2d955:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua1ce8cb0f5f58ddd0940b8da48d2d955 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua1ce8cb0f5f58ddd0940b8da48d2d955 .ua1ce8cb0f5f58ddd0940b8da48d2d955-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua1ce8cb0f5f58ddd0940b8da48d2d955:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Pornography on the internet Essay We will write a custom essay on The quiet american specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now
Sunday, November 24, 2019
AIDS Tax essays
AIDS Tax essays In the medical world, AIDS is fairly new, only beginning to be diagnosed in the 1980s and just barely has it begun to be understood by doctors. It is estimated that this fatal virus affects 37 million people worldwide. Countries that are still developing are the ones hit the hardest. In South Africa alone over 5 million people are living with AIDS or are HIV positive. This large number really plays a role in how businesses in South Africa are affected. A recent study was done to understand how AIDS impacts businesses. Six companies in Botswana and South Africa were surveyed. These were large, successful companies; 4 of which were subsidiaries of transnational corporations. The companies were in a range of industries from media to mining. Employing between 500 to 35,000 people each. A voluntary survey was given out to discover how many were affected by AIDS and how it impacted the companies financially. The study found that there was a large range of percentage of people infected with AIDS and that the number heavily depended on the type of job the person held. Overall 7.9% to 29% of the employees were infected with AIDS. Companies in mining and metal processing seemed to be affected the most, with more than 23 percent of their employees suffering from AIDS/HIV. On the other hand, only 14 percent of people holding supervisory or managerial jobs were infected. The study sought out what HIV-infected employees were costing them. Some of the costs included were medical care, benefits payment, training a replacement worker, insurance premiums and missed days of work due to illness from HIV/AIDS. The annual AIDS tax as it was dubbed in the study raged from 0.4% of the annual wage bill at a company to 5.9%. For one company that meant a cost of $11.9 million per year. There are also many indirect costs of losing an employee to AIDS. These costs were not included in the estimates for the AIDS ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Case Study Example Both companies are facing the prospects of the impending technological obsolescence of the personal computers, should they not be able to update their product design and construction to the present trend in consumer. Clients’ tastes are moving towards maximum integration, involving all-in-one solutions for personal, business, and other consumer applications. The industry is thus experiencing a consolidation that is forcing IT hardware, OS and applications developers to combine into converged firms; those unable to do so will have to quickly develop internal capabilities to meet the integrated technology – which is highly unlikely – or certainly lose out market share to the competition (International Business Times, 2011). New trends include (1) growing popularity of tablet computers and other mobile web surfing gadgets that are expected to eventually and totally replace personal computers; (2) cloud computing, which involve wharehousing data in third party servers; and (3) verticalisation, which involves an integration of product stages such that hardware, operating systems and applications developers tend to assimilate each others’ businesses. Presently, neither Dell nor HP are in the position to significantly meet these trends in the immediate future. Looking back, the same strategies that gained early success for Dell and HP are no longer relevant. Dell relied on supply chain cost-cutting efficiencies, while HP on product diversification (calculators to computers to printers). These early strategies were not proprietary and were quickly copied by competitors. Admittedly, a major strategic error was for DELL and HP to cut down on their R&D just as Apple surged on with its iPod , iPhone and iPad products. Consequently, HP and Dell sales are cut down (The Economic Times, 2011). The two company’s leadership in the PC technology has also become the reason for its present inadequacy. PCs are still seen
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Will single issue movement for soil conservation and clean water Essay
Will single issue movement for soil conservation and clean water inevitably fail - Essay Example Over exploitation has led to climate change and global warming. Human activities, such as urbanization and industrialization have resulted in pollution of water and air that causes global warming due to acidic rainfall. Global warming has been a menacing problem to the world over the years. Many countries have formed commissions to try and come up with measures that will control these changes. Soil pollution is a result of over-cultivation of the land and use of harsh fertilizers. Failure to plant cover crops leads to erosion of the top soil that is fertile and good for crop production. Industrialization has led to water pollution. Agents of water pollution are; sewage water that is channeled into the rivers, industrial waste, and oil spillage into water bodies. It is important to keep the water bodies clean because the water is said to be life. Contaminated water leads to various diseases that affect both human beings and plants. Nature can be unforgiving if not cared for .The Nobel Prize winner Wangari Mathai said if we do not take care of the nature, nature will destroy us. Single issue movement of soil conservation and clean water will inevitably fail. This is because, single issue movement deals with one policy; the solution may not be in a position to solve the problem because it is one sided. This paper is going to analyze how single issue movement of soil conservation and clean water will fail. A lingering concern is that the quality of soil is destroyed by over exploitation by human beings and use of harsh fertilizers. Thus, single issue movement concentrates on how to control use of harsh fertilizers and forgets to address over-exploitation which makes it to fail. Soil conservation refers to strategies put forth to control soil being eroded or being altered by land use. Exploitation of the soil is as a result of the rapid
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Criminology-Police Brutality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Criminology-Police Brutality - Essay Example ely to produce great bodily injury†and with assault â€Å"under color of authority.†This triggered massive riots in the streets of Los Angeles, now referred to as the LA Riots, and is known to be one of the worst and most destructive civil disturbances in the history of melting-pot State. More than fifty people lost their lives in the three-day frenzy of violence. The main cause of furor was the belief that the police violence was racially-motivated and the ferocity of the attack would not have happened if Rodney King were white. As unfortunate as the outcome was, the incident could be said to be a good learning tool in that it invites us to revisit the issue of police brutality and the question of whether or not such brutality by law enforcement officers made while in the line of duty actually result in effective law enforcement. And if it were so – i.e., if apprehension of criminals was actually more certain if the police engage in strong-arm tactics – is this enough reason to bend or relax human rights standards in the Constitution and in various human rights instruments? Legal systems in the civilized world – whether in civil or common law jurisdictions -- have, at least in theory, given primacy to the rights of the accused, understanding that ambiguity should be resolved in his or her favor. This, however, does not mean that one must let down his or her vigilance and stop guarding against possible infringement of constitutional guarantees by overzealous judges, particularly at a time when human rights advocacy for the accused has been made unpopular by the rising rate of crime. It used to be that the primacy of the State is the core principle of the international legal regime as it is traditionally known. This, however, has been challenged by the alarming rise of state-sponsored human rights violations that has prodded the community of nations to recognize that its more pressing duty is to protect the individual from systemic and institutional
Friday, November 15, 2019
Visiting The Gold Coast †The Surfer’s Paradise
Visiting The Gold Coast – The Surfer’s Paradise Gold Coast – The Surfer’s Paradise Hello A coastal city in the southeast Queensland state of Australia, Gold Coast is home to around 3 million people. Surfing is one of the main interests here. Both locals and tourists take a serious interest in surfing here. 35 kilometres of its golden sand beaches puts it as one of the most popular beach holiday destinations in Australia. Over two million tourists visit Gold Coast annually. Best Season to visit Gold Coast Gold Coast is open all around the year. You can expect clear-sky winters, crisp autumn mornings and golden and vibrant summers. When you have close to 300 days of sunshine a year, formal seasons become less apparent. Temperatures are much cooler in rural areas and the hinterland all through the year. The peak seasons are mainly summer (December to February) and autumn (March to May). Highlights (Special Things to Do in Gold Coast) Adrenaline-pumping rides, exotic animals and endless number of waterslides will help cool you off here. Gold Coast holidays have a full range of interactive entertainment to offer, be it big dazzling theme parks or small yet hilariously quirky museums. Let your hair loose at one the many theme parks dotting Gold Coast. Gold Coast is home to some of the largest and best theme parks in the world. You can Cuddle a koala, feed a flock of rainbow lorikeets or even swim with the dolphins – do much more at the wild parks and aquariums nearby. Revisit history, at some of the city’s oldest and most renowned attractions. Watch Whales. Experience the bio-diverse city and the largest subtropical rainforest in Australia, at the natural parks and attractions around the city. Sample the city’s stunning walking tracks that come with incredible lookouts. Learn how beer is brewed and taste one of the region’s finest wines at a local vineyard. Rejuvenate and unwind at one of Gold Coast’s award-winning spas or wellness retreats. Indulge in sports and recreational activities, from surfing to sky diving. Hotspots of Gold Coast You can check out these popular places to visit in Gold Coast. Surfers Paradise: Surfers Paradise is the signature high-rise settlement emerging out of the commercial centre of the Gold Coast. Surfers Paradise Beach: Three-kilometre long strip of golden sands between Surfers Paradise and the Pacific Ocean is a picture perfect location that mesmerizes millions every year. SkyPoint Climb: This is the highest external building walk in Australia. Feel a sense of achievement when you stand on a 270 meter high with the sun shimmering around you with a 360 degree view of golden sands, lush green tropical mountains and the Gold Coast skyline. Ripleys Believe It Or Not!: Get overwhelmed by hundreds of incredible exhibits, rare stories, mystery and magic, incredible deceptions, interactive games and astounding movies. Movie Stunt Experience: Be an action hero, choosing whether to break through windows, commando-style or fly around by being suspended on wires or jump from buildings or even be lit on fire. Slingshot Gold Coast: Holding 2 people at a time, with a video camera attached to capture the riders’ reactions, the Slingshot catapults you 80 meters up in the air. Jetboat Extreme: Spin and slide across the sea in a custom-built, twin-jet-powered, turbo-charged jet boat. Coolangatta Coolangatta Beach: Known for its slow pace and laid back lifestyle, it is the southernmost beach in Queensland. Snapper Rocks: Snapper Rocks is a small rocky ridge that is famous for the Superbank, the start of the large sand bank. Kirra Beach: The small rocky headland Kirra Point, is known as one of the worlds leading surf breaks. This surf break is known for producing high quality waves. Gold Coast Skydive: You get to jump off a plane at 12,000 feet above the ground; free-fall for roughly 40 seconds before opening the parachute to take in the mesmerising beauty of Gold Coast, and finally landing on to the warm sand of Kirra Beach. Southport The Rockpools: A water theme park for all age groups, the Rockpools that comes with a coastal theme has a creek bed and an array of pools that mimic coastal tides. Burleigh Heads Burleigh Heads Beach: Simply Burleigh to locals, it sits like a pause, between Surfers Paradise and Coolangatta to the north and south respectively. It’s a charming punctuation mark along the Gold Coast and absolutely a place to stop and take notice. Springbrook Natural Bridge: Natural Bridge at Springbrook National Park is the most uncommon geological feature created by water flowing through the roof of a basalt cave for millions of years. It is home to an enchanting colony of glow-worms, which can be seen after sunset. Mermaid Beach Putt Putt Golf: Play golf in one of the three unbelievably themed 18 Hole Courses with themes like the Jungle Trail, Waterways Cove or the Fun Run. Navigate through bizarre animals, conquer motorised obstacles and cruise along a water filled putting adventure. Currumbin Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary: More than 1,400 native Australian animals on display here in a natural bush land and rainforest landscape. The Sanctuary offers a world of discovery through enthralling wildlife shows, night safari and an interactive science activity zone. Shopping in Gold Coast Offering a shopping experience like no other, the Gold Coast has a range of options from department stores and discount traders to boutiques and specialty shops, markets and also duty free stores. For cheap souvenirs and t-shirts go to Cavill Mall and its surrounding areas. Dozens of stores in and around Surfers Paradise cater solely to the tourist crowd and you could end up picking up sheepskins, Australian opals, wool products and even aboriginal artefacts. Out of the numerous shopping centres in Surfers Paradise the popular ones are the Chevron Renaissance and the Centro Shopping Plaza. These places are good for a tourist shopping; however for day to day value items it is better to shop elsewhere. For a selection of high-end or mid-range boutiques and shops, head to the Orchard Avenue, Elkhorn Avenue and Cavill Avenue in Surfers Paradise. Care should be taken while purchasing in Surfers Paradise as counterfeits are very common. It’s an irony that the real Louis Vuitton boutique is right next to the fake goods shops on Elkhorn Avenue. Robina Town Centre has a modern shopping mall with eateries and shops that take care of everyone’s needs. A large selection of shops across all budgets can be found at Harbor Town Center in Biggeria Waters. The small farmers market across the road is a must visit for its good restaurants and delis. How to reach Gold Coast Air By Plane The Gold Coast Airport, better known as the Coolangatta Airport, is located in Coolangatta to the south of the city. It is a pretty unique airport as it lies across the Queensland and New South Wales borders; you would always land in one state and arrive in the other. Though it is a fairly small terminal, it receives around 3.5 million travellers annually. The airport is well connected with major cities in Australia, New Zealand, and Asia. Another thing to keep in mind is that it is NOT a 24 hour airport, so do not plan on staying overnight before an early morning flight. The Gold Coast Tourist Shuttle runs transit services from the Gold Coast Airport to hotels and theme parks all over Gold Coast. Customer service kiosks are in the located in the international and domestic terminals. An alternative, especially if using a rented car, is to fly into Brisbane Airport. You have better connectivity from there. Land By Train CityTrain is an electric train service between Brisbane and Nerang, Robina, Coomera and Helensvale. It’s roughly a 70 minutes journey from Brisbane Central to Robina and Nerang. As the train runs along the coast you can check which station on route is closest to your destination. Countrylink in New South Wales has trains running from Sydney with bus services at the Casino to Surfers Paradise. How to get around Gold Coast Car Gold Coast is easily accessible by car, and large parking lots at most locations make parking a less harrowing experience. Most car rental services are available here. Bus Surfside Buslines, are the main form of public transport here in Gold Coast and they have designated stops on most areas. Buses are available 24 hours a day; the frequency is higher during the day. Airport Transfers (shuttles) operate point to point’ between Coolangatta Airport and most places along the coast and are a popular substitute to taxis. Taxi – Taxis are available but expect to wait longer for it on busy nights. Bike The Gold Coast Ocean way is a 36km pathway meant for pedestrians and cyclists connecting the Gold Coast Seaway to Point Danger, covering most of the coastline on route. Top areas in Gold Coast Surfers Paradise Surfers Paradise, located on long stretches of golden beaches is where surfers do more than just riding the waves. High rise apartments line the shore, nightclubs, pubs are abundant here. The late night shopping will keep you busy all through. Most Gold Coast hotels, high end and budget, are located around here. Broadbeach â€Å"Broadie†as called by the locals, it is a quieter version of Surfers Paradise. It is known for its gorgeous beaches dotted by lazy parks and bustling weekend markets. It is the second busiest tourist suburb and is home to casinos, shopping centres and many eateries. Mount Tamborine Located in the peaceful and scenic hinterland and at just an hour from Gold Coast, it is a tropical rainforest, populated with unique, vibrant and colourful, exotic birds. Many interesting types of flora and fauna can also be found here. It is also known for its serene calm atmosphere. Main Beach High-rises and resorts dot this upmarket suburb. Located at the northern end of the Gold Coast, Main Beach is called so as it was the main surf beach at Southport. Its open shore break makes it very popular with Surfers. Burleigh Heads Home to tall aromatic pine trees, this parkland has plenty of places where you can picnic or have a barbecue. You would also find arts and crafts markets here, where you can haggle your way to a good deal. You can find good mid-range accommodation here. Coolangatta – This is one of the twin cities located on the border between New South Wales and Queensland. The surf here is outstanding, particularly off the northern corner of Coolangatta Beach. Snapper Rocks and Duranbah are world-class surf breaks that are located here. You also have a few mid-range accommodation options here. Mermaid Beach This is simply a serene laid-back spot. There’s an extensive mixture of dining options here ranging from modern Australian to a lot of Pan Asian culinary options. While there are plenty of cheap accommodation options here, from apartments to caravan parks, do not forget to check out the flashy and flamboyant ‘millionaire’s row. Miami – A small beach town located south of Surfers Paradise, Miami has a beautiful stretch of golden sands that is perfect for families. Thank You!
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Augustine and Skepticism Essay
Though considered one of the founders of theology, specifically in terms of Christianity, it is also widely accepted that St. Augustine played a large role in philosophy as well. In being familiar with total skepticism, the idea that nothing can be known, Augustine advised that this thought could be disproven in at least three distinct ways. According to Augustine, these â€Å"three refutations†of skepticism are the principle of non-contradiction, the act of doubting and refutation relating to perception. The first refutation illustrated by Augustine is that of non-contradiction. This principle explains that when examining and presenting an idea, only the suggestion or the contradiction may be true, but in no instance, can both be true. For example, if one were to state that â€Å"I am here,†the idea presented is that the statement is true. As a result, it would be impossible to follow that idea up with the statement â€Å"It is not true that I am here.†According to Augustine, the idea may be true or the contradiction of that idea may be true, but never both. This refutation is an attempt to prove that although total skepticism dictates that nothing can be known, its nearly impossible to argue with both the proposition and the contradiction-surely, one of them must be known as truth. This seems to be a fairly valid principle, as it leaves little room for argument in the idea that something is either true, or it is false, but rarely ever is there an alternative that cou ld be true. The second refutation is the act of doubting, an idea arguing that through doubting, we ultimately defeat the purpose of total skepticism. For example, if one was to argue that through total skepticism, it is impossible to know anything or that they â€Å"doubt†something to be true, in essence they are conceding to the idea that at the very least they are certain of their own existence-otherwise, how would their be any validity in their doubts? A â€Å"non-existent†person, would not be able to illustrate doubt or explain that nothing can be known, therefore, Augustine attempted to state that one’s existence negates the act of doubting anything can be known, because at least the idea of their existence is known. While this concept is an interesting one, the validity of it seems to be questionable because it does not take into consideration that ultimately the concept of existence is not being disputed, but rather the idea of what can truly be known is in question. The act of doubting, does not seem to disprove total skepticism as much, but rather seems to be a blanket contradiction against it. The final refutation of Augustine revolves around perception, especially sense perception, and the idea that perception in its most basic form is a type of knowledge. While we may not be able to conclude the essence of an object or concept, we can describe our own perception of it, in which case, we make no error in judgment. If we saw a pond that seemed shallow and assert that it only seems shallow, we make no mistake. Only when we conclude that the pond is shallow, with no certainty or proof to support that idea, are we mistaken. This opposes the idea of total skepticism, in that we can know at least what our perceptions allow us to determine. In my opinion, this is a valid argument because ultimately it does not profess what we know or do not know fully, but rather states that our knowledge of anything is based on our own perception of it. Although the ideas of academic and total skeptic ism sought to disprove a need or even the logic behind philosophy, scholars such as St. Augustine attempted to prove that despite the fact that we do not have total knowledge in everything, we are not totally void of knowledge. The three refutations of Augustine serve to help us remember that just as there is an opposite to nearly everything, the concept of skepticism can always be rebutted when it comes to knowledge and our understanding of the world.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
A Rhetorical Piece of Literature Essay
Judith Ortiz Cofer’s piece entitled ‘The Myth of the Latin Woman: I Just Met a Girl Named Maria’ is a rhetorical essay that exemplifies the art of persuasion through the use of ethos, pathos, and logos that mainstream the three types of rhetorical proof. Her piece describes the life of a Puerto Rican girl who was forced to carry the culture and the customs of the Spanish, Catholic world up to the more sophisticated Western world. This appears to be a heavy burdenâ€â€not only to Puerto Ricans or Latinas who end up transferring to another society and cultureâ€â€but also to other races and ethnicities that can be rated as third class in the culture of the West. Race and culture can have its own prejudices (The New Georgia Encyclopedia 2006), and this presents the theme of Cofer’s ‘The Myth of the Latin Woman’. Main Body In representing rhetorical piece, Cofer uses ethos, pathos, and logos†¦ as well as the angle of vision and the inclusion of opposing views of other cultures. Ethos dictates â€Å"how the character and credibility of a speaker influence an audience to consider him (or her) to be believable†(Wikipedia 2007). This is readily seen on how Cofer mentions about her being a graduate student (203); her coming from a modest, educated, and respectable Latin family (205, 207); her friends who, despite being Hispanic, are actually medical graduates, professionals, and â€Å"feminist Hispanic scholars†(206). This also includes the portion wherein Cofer dictates how her ‘Chikana’ friend has had her doctor shake his head when she uses ‘big words’ (207). All these give the reader the impression that what the writer says is accurate and credible all because of the high standing that builds a good reputation on the writer. Pathos, on the other hand, is â€Å"the use of emotional appeals to alter the audience’s judgment†(Wikipedia 2007). This is readily seen on how Cofer uses amplification on many parts of the story, such as the following: first, the Irish man’s use of ‘Maria’ based on ‘The West Side Story’ (203); second is her storytelling of how her family’s life was in an urban center in New Jersey back in the ‘60s (204); third is her experience as a Latin highschool girl in America when they were instructed â€Å"to come dressed as if for a job interview†(204), and how they were described to be â€Å"the negative models by the nuns†(204), with their teachers and classmates looking at them distastefully (205); fourth is when she mentions how Hispanic women are usually abused by their ‘boss men’ (205); fifth is how the words ‘sizzling’ and ‘smoldering’ are used to pertainâ€â€not just the food of Latin Americaâ€â€but the women as well (205); sixth, how Latin girls are supposed to ‘ripen’ and not just to grow into womanhood (205); seventh, her narration on how a man of high standing sang to her ‘Evita’ (206). And, lastly, how she was mistaken to be the waitress instead of the main writer during her first public poetry reading (207). All these things give strong emotional appeals that make the persuasion more insisting and more resolute. Logos, on the other hand, pertains to â€Å"the use of reasoning, either inductive or deductive, to construct an argument†(Wikipedia 2007). In Cofer’s piece, this is seen on how she uses inductive reasoning in stating her experience and historical examples that, in turn, can be described as factual and logical (e. g. , what a Hispanic culture is, why Latin girls wear everything at once). This is also seen on how she uses deductive reasoning, especially in the use of generally accepted propositions about the Hispanic womenâ€â€that they are â€Å"Hot Tamale or sexual firebrand†(Cofer 2005); second, deductive reasoning is also used in stating that Hispanic women feel free to express themselves through clothes and ornaments and be more provocative, since they are â€Å"more protected by the traditions, mores, and laws of a Spanish/Catholic system of morality and machismo†(205); third, that tropical women show off their skin to keep cool and, at the same time, appear sexy (205); fourth and final, the myth that Latina women are actually whores, domestic, or criminal (207). The logic of the argument centers on the theme that the writer acts that way because she was born that way. She was only practicing what was taught to her by her world and her culture. Conclusion Cofer’s angle of vision goes straight into defending the true nature of the Hispan ic women. She uses three main strategies in her piece ‘The Myth of the Latin Woman’: first is the use of character and credibility in giving an accurate and credible argument to her readers; second is the use of emotional appeals through amplification and storytelling that make persuasion more insisting; third is the use of inductive and deductive reasoning through generally accepted propositions and logic. There is also the inclusion of opposing views of other cultures, especially those that cover the Western cultures that see ‘too much’ as a despicable, revolting factor (Cofer 204). Cofer’s angle is one that represents the side of the Hispanic culture. In defense of her race and her ethnicity, Cofer demands some understanding that not everything that appears to be remains to be, and that not everyone who appears to be one†¦ remains to be one. Works Cited Cofer, Judith Ortiz. The Myth of the Latin Woman: I Just Met a Girl Named Maria. Spring 2007. Heather D. Harris Homepage, Northern Arizona University. 24 September
Friday, November 8, 2019
Essay Sample on the South African Land Reform Process
Essay Sample on the South African Land Reform Process South Africa is a wonderful place. Ask the thousands of Nigerians going to Joburg. Those already there may have a different story however. Nevertheless, it’s a wonderful place, on TV at least. Like every other country, South Africans have their own problems. Take land distribution for example. About 15% or less of the population own 85% of the best arable land, leaving the poorer, arid soils to the remaining 85% of the population. This equation may sound unbalanced, but what if the lucky 15% feeds the whole country and still have a whole lot left over for export, contributing to the growth of the South African economy? Theoretically, that is what happens, thanks to advanced technological approaches to agriculture, but lets take a closer look. The lands owned by the 15% of mostly white farmers were seized decades ago by force, trickery or economic manipulation. It is a history we are all familiar with. This, in a continent of communal land ownership, practiced from time immemorial. The acquired practice of individual land ownership has over time, reduced productivity, and created landless serfs and a hapless pool of farm workers desperate enough to accept whatever is thrown to them as handouts. It does create wealth-for a few landowners that is. It is thus not strange how this few have maintained their stranglehold on the mechanisms of production with all the resources at their disposal. This is aside government policy deliberately fashioned to favour white landowners and directly oppress the poor black majority and dispossess them of whatever land they had left. What is extremely strange is the way the present South African government is trying to play ‘Mr. nice guy’ with the South African land reform process . It has suggested a buyback process where the white farmers are refusing to sell and the marginalized people are too poor to buy. It is not surprising that it has been a resounding failure so far. Why the present government insists on protecting the so called property rights of people who acquired land through decades of killing, oppression, cheating and economic manipulation is baffling. These rights were not legally acquired in the first place-legal here means morally right, not a title deed signed by a tribal chieftain who couldn’t read or understand what he was signing, or one acquired from an irreprehensible governing system such as apartheid after people had been forcefully ejected from their lands and homes. Thus the issue of financial compensation should not even arise; they never really owned the land in the first place. The South African agricultural scene is economic exploitation at its triumphant best. While the rich farmers sell their cash and food crops to the highest bidders at home and abroad, majority of people the people are marginally poor in their homeland, without jobs or in low paying jobs, economically exploited and oppressed by a country that lost its apartheid tone only in the colour of the flag, the skin of the president and the constitution of the sports teams. It’s not as if the white farmers use up all their land. Most of the land lays waste in fallow or is unutilized due to mechanical constraints. Lappe and Collins (1984) in their book, ‘Food First’ showed, with data collected from different reliable sources and countries looks at this literal waste of valuable land by large land holding interests. A study of land use in Latin America showed that farmers who owned up to 10 acres cultivated 72%of their land, but farmers with over 86 acres cultivated only 14% of their land.495 was used for pasture and 37% was left idle. Similarly, a 1968 study of Ecuador showed that farmers with more than 2500 acres used a little over 25%. Such atrocious waste is probably true of South Africa. How the government proves it is serious with land reforms while poor marginalized South Africans witness this spectacle beats me. If South Africa is serious about land reforms, they should do it the proper, morally right way. First, all land should be seized and properly redistributed. Not Zimbabwean style, where redistribution was to party cronies who had no desire to work the land, fueling famine, but to cooperative communities composed of farmers who have shown seriousness in developing the land. These farmers should include landless, marginalized citizens who will be willing to invest time and energy in producing crops for local consumption and export in return for the profits and benefits that accrue from such shared ownerships. Forced collectivism should not be encouraged, as it has been shown to be counterproductive. In the early 50s, Yugoslavia and Poland had to abandon a top- down approach to creating agricultural cooperatives. (Bergman, ‘Farm Policies in socialist countries-Lexington, Mass.: Heath, 1975 pp 129ff). The redistribution of land has to be democratic-not democracy of those with the fi nancial muscle to hijack the process as practiced worldwide today-but real democracy, where the ideas of the people forming the cooperatives will be allowed to germinate into a healthy enthusiasm that translates to practical, workable actions that will foster development for the nation and create genuine wealth for the thousands of landless poor south Africans who are looked on as a liability by their government and a class of elite landowners who shoot at them for trespassing on private property. This is not a call for a bloody revolution. If properly carried out, a sensible agreement can be reached between all parties. Lappe and Collins (1984) noted that seldom, if ever, have land distribution triggered the wholesale liquidation so frequently feared by most capitalist entities. But land distribution is not enough if food production and wealth creation is to be increased. Access to tools, credit, agricultural inputs and necessary infrastructure has to be facilitated by the gove rnment for the cooperatives if this venture is to succeed. Land distribution is useless if these essential tools are left in the hands of greedy, exploitative middlemen. So, South Africans, get talking and start something for the sake of future South Africans. This is a sample Law essay written by one of our academic writers. If you want to order a custom written essay, term paper, research paper, dissertation, thesis contact our company now to get professional academic writing help.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Searches Or No Searches
Searches or No Searches By: Julia Nicoletti Searches or no searches, that is the question. Say the principal at your school has instituted random locker and book bag/back pack searches to check for weapons and/or drugs. Anyone who is caught, will immediately be suspended. Performing these searches will do so much for your school. Searching will increase the trust and support of the parents who send their kids to your school. The searches will also make the students feel more safe and secure at school. These searches will decrease the weapons and drugs on campus. Random searches will increase the trust and support of the parents who sent their kids to your school. A family has a high school student in their family. The family lives in the not so good side of Cleveland. The school has records and is known for weapons, drugs, and shootings. If there were locker and bag searches, the family would probably send their teen to the school. Parents would rather send their teen to a high school that is known for performing these searches, not to a school that is known for drugs and weapons. The school would gain a lot of trust and support from parents if they did this. The more trust, the more students. The more students, the more money from the government. The more money, the better facilities. Feeling safe is one thing you need in school. With out feeling safe, more tension will stir up in school. Twenty-nine percent of students polled by Educational Communications, Inc., last year said that they know someone who brought a weapon to school, which is a scary statement. If there were searches being performed frequently, there would be no reason to be nervous of being shot or stabbed in school. Most kids hate going to school and when you have students who bring weapons to school, it helps persuade them against it even more. Random checks would decrease the number of illegal weapons in the school. By doin... Free Essays on Searches Or No Searches Free Essays on Searches Or No Searches Searches or No Searches By: Julia Nicoletti Searches or no searches, that is the question. Say the principal at your school has instituted random locker and book bag/back pack searches to check for weapons and/or drugs. Anyone who is caught, will immediately be suspended. Performing these searches will do so much for your school. Searching will increase the trust and support of the parents who send their kids to your school. The searches will also make the students feel more safe and secure at school. These searches will decrease the weapons and drugs on campus. Random searches will increase the trust and support of the parents who sent their kids to your school. A family has a high school student in their family. The family lives in the not so good side of Cleveland. The school has records and is known for weapons, drugs, and shootings. If there were locker and bag searches, the family would probably send their teen to the school. Parents would rather send their teen to a high school that is known for performing these searches, not to a school that is known for drugs and weapons. The school would gain a lot of trust and support from parents if they did this. The more trust, the more students. The more students, the more money from the government. The more money, the better facilities. Feeling safe is one thing you need in school. With out feeling safe, more tension will stir up in school. Twenty-nine percent of students polled by Educational Communications, Inc., last year said that they know someone who brought a weapon to school, which is a scary statement. If there were searches being performed frequently, there would be no reason to be nervous of being shot or stabbed in school. Most kids hate going to school and when you have students who bring weapons to school, it helps persuade them against it even more. Random checks would decrease the number of illegal weapons in the school. By doin...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Issues Facing Gender in the Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Issues Facing Gender in the Workplace - Essay Example Lets take an example of Canada in which men occupy positions that are supervisory or administrative, full-time, high in pay and status, and that are often in the transport, communications and manufacturing sectors while women are predominantly concentrated in non-standard work, usually clerical and service work in part-time or temporary positions that are characterized by low skill requirements, low pay, and few benefits. Even in professional positions, women continue to be disproportionately represented in "feminine" nursing, teaching, and social science professions. (Amber Gazso, 2004) Gender issues in career development have undergone an absolute information explosion. It is generally observed that career ambition in women is lower than career aspiration among men. Men tend to be more motivated and possess a broaden view than women on work. But it is surprising to see that women's aspirations have substantially increased over the past several decades. No matter what the reason behind women's aspirations is, several environmental factors have been implicated, including cultural and ethnical background. Many researchers have observed, for example, that the relative traditionality of gender role attitudes and occupational plans may limit the level of women's vocational and educational aspirations. It is true that women may experience a number of barriers in preparing for career decisions, like home-career conflict. Women appear to be placing increased importance on goals in the work domain. This change has not detracted from the importance women give to the home and family domain, nor diminished the expected conflicts among roles. As might be expected, this shift has presented women with additional challenges in their career planning. As is true with many other stages of women's career development, entry into the work force seems to be more complex for women than for men, given gender discrimination and stereotyping, and the demands of multiple roles. One aspect of career development more typical to women than men is role exiting and reentry. Rather than going directly from school to work, many women first engage in full-time family roles, returning to school or work later
Friday, November 1, 2019
Is increasing knowledge making life more worrying and uncertain in Essay
Is increasing knowledge making life more worrying and uncertain in contemporary society - Essay Example While knowledge has always existed, in the traditional society it was established knowledge. Knowledge society on the other hand refers to the change in knowledge in different fields like political, economical, social and cultural life. Knowledge is essential for every activity in life be it in the form of sophisticated academic knowledge in the form of text books like medical science to common sense like how to look after ourselves and our children. The speed at which knowledge is produced and disseminated across the globe has been the root cause of the change taking place in the society. Knowledge in the contemporary society takes different forms and it is created and disseminated through multiple sites. To conduct their daily lives, people seek knowledge on health, jobs and relationships. There are numerous advisers and counselors available apart from the myriad of information available on the internet. Experts are known by different high-sounding names like therapists and planners. Even in spiritualism and healthcare there is virtually knowledge explosion. In the field of technology, enormous changes in people’s lives can be seen. The personal computer externally looks the same and is made of the same metals that it was same say 5 years ago but is much more powerful. The input of human intelligence added to it ahs rendered it powerful. Technology is used to reduce costs in manufacturing sector, in marketing and distribution. Technology has led foreign firms to outsource their back-office operations to distant lands like India. Local firms now have global networks. Communication technologies have rendered distant and size of corporations insignificant. Economic changes have brought about changes in consumption pattern, increased purchasing power in the hands of the people and the markets have become consumer-driven. Despite all these changes and advancements, knowledge society has created a risk society which is associated with the growth of the
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 16
Review - Essay Example For example, while Mrs. Saunders is a very independent woman and a threat, Victoria is a child, who has no class and little effects on the society. In the second act, although the class difference between the four women characters can be determined, it is not as widely as in the initial action. All women lie in the middle and lower-upper class in the economy classes, with minuscule differences in the hierarchy. As noted, Churchill attempts to analyze the position of women in the society and their empowerment (Churchill, 2013). In the year 1992, Los Angeles experienced the most destructive riots, which were characterized by excessive violence. This play was written to analyze the tension and problems that were the underlying factors behind the unrest. Some of these factors include racial tension, brutality by the police, and weak leadership in the urban centers. The play takes an empirical view of the events that led to the violence, including ethnic tensions, as well as tensions between people of different class. This play uses a historical analysis approach to ignite a combination of enlightening and meaningful basis that brings up painful and emotions. For example, the play refers to instances where people from different races blamed those of different races for their losses after the Rodney verdict. One congresswoman is shown to have fought very hard for people, arguing that she is seeking to make the Whitehouse understand the plight of the people who have been ignored through the riots (Twilight: Los Angeles. 1992, 2014). Carmen is portrayed as the most provocative of all the girls in a place located near a cigarette factory, such that a man would barely pass without having a glance at her. Carmen sings Habanera, which fascinates all young men present save for Don Joe. Before leaving, and Carmen provokes him by throwing flowers at him. Back in the factory, Carmen is blamed for a quarrel that the girls get into, and
Monday, October 28, 2019
Discovering Your Authentic Leadership Essay Example for Free
Discovering Your Authentic Leadership Essay The article discussed authentic, original, leadership. It explained the importance of discovering one’s own leadership. To do that, the article points that you should be yourself! Do not impersonate another leader. By doing so, people around you will know that you are trying to behave like someone else, which may lead to mistrust. Authentic leaders are usually passionate about their goals. They make sure to always practice their values, lead with both their emotions and their minds and they aim for long and meaningful relationships. Original leaders give meaning to their lives by overcoming difficult experiences. By giving meaning to their lives, leaders become more effective. Authentic leaders make it a point to develop themselves on their own. They dislike having a plan handed to them that limits them and forces them to follow a certain pattern or procedure set by someone else. They see that as a kind of copying someone else’s style. When making their own plan for development, they install their own values and morals into it. Thus making it easier for them to practice those values and developing them further. It is also essential for authentic leaders to balance their motivation sources. They should balance judgment, criticism and reprisal. Original leaders see their organization as a very important aspect of their lives. This enables them to clarify their beliefs, values and their understanding of important issues. They also give honest feedback to people around them when it is needed. The practical steps of being an authentic leader are to stay grounded , Empower people around to lead, learn from their life, knowing themselves, practicing their values, balancing intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and finally build a support team.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Importance of Education in Preventing Prejudice Essays -- Importan
Ignorance is a huge problem, it is one of the biggest factors responsible for issues such as racism and sexism. Luckily, ignorance, generally speaking, is a relatively easy issue to fix. The obvious answer here would be more education, but this is not necessarily the case. In order to eliminate much of the racism, sexism, and other forms of prejudice that arise due to ignorance, it is necessary to look at education from another perspective: one that encourages togetherness and development alongside people of all races and genders. One quote by Grace Boggs book The Next American Revolution summarizes the issue perfectly. â€Å"Just imagine what our neighborhoods would be like if, instead of keeping our children isolated in classrooms for twelve years and more, we engaged them in community-building activities with the same audacity with which the civil rights movement engaged them in desegregation activities fifty years ago! ...Our children will be absorbing naturally and norm ally the values of social responsibility and cooperation at the same time that they are being inspired to learn the skills and acquire the information necessary to solve real problems†(Boggs 158). So, the main point here is that prejudice, against all sexes, genders, and creeds, can be eliminated via education that encourages cooperation with the largest variety of people. In order to understand this concept, it is necessary to look at it from a few different perspectives to analyze its viability in modern society. First, it is necessary to examine the current paradigm within education in order to determine exactly what it is about the modern system that requires changing. One of the most immediate concerns comes as a result of the school facilities the... ...r through the power of music, will not be forgotten. Racism, sexism, and other forms of prejudice are simply not acceptable in modern society, and the sooner they can be eliminated altogether, the sooner the world can truly advance. Works Cited Boggs, Grace Lee, and Scott Kurashige. The next American revolution: Sustainable activism for the twenty-first century. University of California Pr, 2012. Print. Dyson, Michael Eric. Holler If You Hear Me 2006: Searching for Tupac Shakur. Basic Civitas Books, 2006. Print. Godin, Seth. Stop stealing dreams. 2012. Print. Hooks, Bell. Teaching to transgress: Education as the practice of freedom. Vol. 4. New York: Routledge, 1994. Print. Marx, Karl, and Friedrich Engels. Manifesto of the communist party. CH Kerr & Company, 1906. Print. Tupac: Resurrection Dir. Lauren Lazin. Perf. Tupac Shakur. 2003. Film.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Comment on the title ‘A Cup of Tea’ Essay
Plan1.Pre-writinga.Gathering information about Katherine Mansfieldb.Revising the texti.Singling out heroesii.Building a timelineiii.Depicting localesiv.Finding phrase a cup of teac.Revising the analysisi.Stylistic devicesii.SPUsiii.Text structured.Studying meaning (a theme analysis)i.How the message revealsii.What the characters learn during the storyiii.What the author feels about the characters and the conflict (Authors Modality)e.Linking the message with the title2.Writing the compositiona.Introductionb. Characters and developmentsc.Messaged.Conclusion3.Verifyinga.Lengthb.SpellingCompositionThe story is written by Katherine Mansfield a famous New Zealand writer. She is considered one of the great masters of the short-story form. Mansfield’s stories are poetic, delicate, and ironic; they are characterized by a subtle sensitivity to mood and emotion, revealing the inner conflicts her characters face and resolve. Her style much influenced by that of the Russian writer Anton Chekhov, in turn had great influence on later short-story writing. From the first lines we get acquainted with the protagonist of the story Rosemary Fell and her husband. The author describes her family and Rosemarys lifestyle: They were rich, really rich, not just comfortably well off. The family is one which is called from the top drawer. The next key character the reader encounters is a young beggar girl from the Curzon Street. In contrast with Rosemary the girl is without a penny to her name. She is the one to mention the key phrase for the first time. Would you let me have the price of a cup of tea? Rosemary is extremely surprised by the absence of money. How extraordinary! To Rosemary it looks such an adventure like something from an imaginary book. And she asks the girl â€Å"Come home to tea with me.†So here we can trace that a cup of tea is the first thing from which the adventure begins. In fact, they meet each other because of the girls intense desire to have money for the price of a cup of tea. So a cup of tea plays key role in the plot it allows the two women meet each other. And Rosemary invites her using convention of tea drinking as a pretext. Come home with me now in my car and have tea. After the meal with tea Miss Smith transforms into something undeniable attractive. When the tea-table was carried away a new being, a light, frail creature with tangled hair, dark lips, deep, lighted eyes†¦ Then Philip appears, he knows his wife well and clearly sees what this is all about. He plays on his wifes jealousy and makes this mischievous adventure stop. The author tries to underline the gap between the rich and the poor. The authors modality shows that theres nothing kind in this irregular adventure which began upon the pretext of having a cup of tea. To break social standards is thrilling when you read about it in books but it wont do in real life. As a result, the a cup of tea adventure leads to Rosemarys inner conflict she asks herself whether Philip thinks she is pretty or he is so dazzled by the beggar girl. To crown it all, the title a cup of tea corresponds to the main developments of the story. Its is like a universal symbol which helps to unite the key occurrences and make the plot look natural. Bibliography 1.  ® Encarta  ® 2009.  © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 3. by Correspondance Vesnik D.A. Moscow, 1976
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Handloom Industry Essay
Handloom industry is a traditional and also a cottage industry in India. It provides employment to the large section of poor people. However, the role and significance of the industry to the national development is declining. In fact, the industry is facing lot of problems such as men, material, methods, machines, money, marketing and management. Handloom industry is a cottage and rural based industry and the handlooms are part of an age old Indian tradition. 35 lakhs handlooms still exist in the country and 65 lakhs people are engaged in the profession. This industry contributes 15 per cent of the total cloth produced in this country. There are 470 Handloom clusters spread in all over the country in highly decentralized manner. Indian handloom industry is the largest in the world and it is low capital intensive industry Indian Handloom Sector an Overview Providing direct and indirect employment to more than 30 lakh weavers, handloom sector is the largest economic activity second only to agriculture in India. Despite the presence of the powerloom sector in a big way along with all its advantages, the handloom sector has been able to withstand the competition. It has also proved its indispensability on certain fronts. Wave of ethnic revivalism and effective state intervention through financial assistance and implementation of various developmental schemes have brought about more than tenfold increase in the production of handloom fabrics. This sector contributes nearly 23% of the total cloth produced in the country. During the year 1996-97, a total production of 7235 million sq. metres of cloth was achieved. The Handloom Act passed by the parliament in 1985 aims to shield handloom weavers against powerloom and textile mill operators by reserving certain textile articles (presently eleven in number) for exclusive production by handlooms. Some major promotional & developmental programmes formulated by the office of the Development Commissioner for Handlooms relate to (a) input support (b) employment generation programmes (c) modernization and upgradation of technology (d) market support (e) welfare measures (f) publicity. In all the schemes emphasis has been laid on assisting handloom weavers directly, including upgradation of their skills etc. Handlooms are a part of Indian heritage, they exemplify the richness and diversity of culture and thence the artistry of the weavers. Conceptualization of the Problems At present, in the whole of Textile industry, the Handlooms-cottage sector has to co-exist with other two sectors, namely unorganized power loom sector and organized mill sector. If we look at globally, due to the huge competition of these two sectors, many developed countries gave up the handloom industry, and there are no handlooms exist at present in many of the countries. In India also, number of handlooms in different clusters is decreasing day by day. In the last fifteen years it has come down to 43.32 lakhs from 65.5 lakhs Handloom workers engaged in this sector. As the handloom industry occupies an important place due to the economic importance, it has been realized that India cannot leave away this industry as other countries did it. On the other hand, India has to pay much more attention to safe guard this industry. The causes for declining of handloom industry with respect to men, material, machines, methods, money, marketing and management categories have to be grouped in order to find the corresponding remedies. This type of analysis will help to effectively address and solve the problems faced by the handloom industry.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Crime and prison population essays
Crime and prison population essays The answer to this question is astounding: the U.S. incarcerates 25% of the worlds prison population with only 7% of the worlds population. This is a disturbing anamoly in the history of the world. Never before has a country been able to incarcerate so many people at such a high rate, two million and 1 in 127 respectively. These large numbers are incredibly difficult to think about in meaningful terms. But if you can imagine the population of Los Angeles in 1950; and if you then put all of those people in some type of cage, you are close to contemplating the immensity of the U.S. incarcerated population. The incredibly important and disturbing factor is how fast this occurred. Todays level of roughly two million was achieved mainly since 1980 when there was about 500,000 people incarcerated. California illustrates how this growth has occurred over a relatively short period of time. Since 1977, the California Department of Corrections (CDCs) prison population has increased from 17,338 to 160,655, over a seven hundred percent increse. If you add the people in Californias federal prisons and county jails, California leads the country with around 258,000 people in prison or jail. When we color these numbers, the problem becomes clearer: of the prison population, African Americans constitute almost one third while they represent 6% of the population. Said another way, 1,996 in every 100,000 African American Californians are imprisoned in comparison to the 242 whites in every 100,000. Latinos, proportionally, have suffered the brunt of Californias prison boom. In 1977, 42% of the prison population was white and 22% was Latino. The two groups are approaching a full reversal because today Latinos represent 35% of the state prison population whereas whites now represent 2 9%. A total reversal appears likely if you look at the juvenile halls in Los Angeles County, where 1,100 of the 1,800 ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Scrooges wealth Essays
Scrooges wealth Essays Scrooges wealth Paper Scrooges wealth Paper During staves 3 and 4 it is shown that although the poor cannot be compared with the amount of wealth Scrooge has, their moral richness is far more larger than Scrooges wealth. Everybody had something to say about it, but nobody said or thought it was at all a small pudding for a large family. It would have been flat heresy to do so. Any Cratchit would have blushed to hint at such a thing. this quotation shows how the Cratchit family do not want to hurt each others feelings and have a sense of what is right and in this case what is right to say and what is not. Furthermore the Cratchit family are very religious because they think saying anything bad about themselves is religiously bad and therefore avoid saying anything offensive. This shows their moral richness, and that although they are poor they have more of a sense of moral rightness than rich people. In addition to this the poor have a great commitment to their family; Martha, who was a poor apprentice at a milliners, then told them what kind of work she had to do, and how many hours she worked at a stretch, and how she meant to lie a-bed tomorrow morning for a good rest; tomorrow being a holiday she passed at home. This shows that the poor have more of a commitment to their family, therefore love their family very much. Also this quote shows that the disadvantaged do not take their job for granted like people from the upper class do. Mrs Cratchit cares a lot for her family as she is constantly worrying whether her family will be able to live happily in their unfortunate conditions: Mrs Cratchit left the room alone-too nervous to bear witnesses-to take the pudding up, and bring it in suppose it should not be enough! This citation shows that Mrs Cratchit cares a lot for her family, and though they are living in intolerable circumstances she still tries to make the best out of the things that are available to her family. Another extract that supports this matter is this: Cratchits wife, dressed out but poorly in a twice-turned gown, but brave in ribbons, which are cheap and make a goodly show for six pence. This shows that though the Cratchit family are poor Mrs Cratchit does try and make herself as much as presentable to society as possible, even if it is cheaply. All of this helps to sustain the idea that although the Cratchits are poor, they still try and make the most of their situations and if they have got money, even a little, then they will try and make the most of it by spending it for their family. This contrasts with Scrooge who doesnt want to spend his money, even though hes got the cash. Martha didnt like to see him disappointed, if it were only a joke; so she came out prematurely from the closet door, and ran into his arms. this quotation definitely shows that the Cratchit family love each other very much and the way Charles Dickens writes about this shows the love that Martha and her father share even though they are living in poor conditions. This contrasts with the absence of love and gratitude in the rich who do not care about the poor. Furthermore when the Christmas spirit takes Scrooge to show his future, Scrooges death and Tiny Tims death make a huge contrast because when Scrooge had died nobody was aware of it, apart from the paupers who had come to take his fine belongings. However, when Tiny Tim had died his whole entire family was near him and had mourned for him. This makes a huge contrast because it shows that Scrooge had no one to take care of him whilst he was on his death bed with rats thriving on his body, whereas Tiny Tim had his whole family with him when he died. It shows that though Scrooge is very rich he didnt have anyone for comfort because of his egotistical character, whereas Tiny Tim was a good person even though he was poor. It makes a contrast because it shows that though Scrooge is filthy rich he cannot buy the love the Cratchits have for each other. Throughout the whole novel Dickens exemplifies, through different characters, what the attitude towards the poor should be like. In stave 1 Marley gives an advice to Scrooge towards the poor advising him to care for them. Mankind was my business. This quote shows that Marley is trying to tell Scrooge that one individual is responsible for every individual in society and if this warning is ignored, because they are blinded by ignorance and want, then that person will suffer an afterlife similar to Marleys: I wear the chain I forged in life. Marley is suffering the consequences of being like Scrooge now in his afterlife. Moreover the Christmas spirit shows Scrooges lonely death when they travel to the future and shows him that he is dead on his bed. a gray-haired rascal, nearly seventy years of age the author is trying to teach scrooge a lesson that if he continues to be heartless towards the poor then nobody would care for him and during his death he would be left alone like the Christmas spirit was showing him presently. Furthermore, towards the end of the novel the ghost tries to make Scrooge feel guilty for what he had done to underprivileged in the past. The phantom tries to show Scrooge how because of him the poor are living in unbearable conditions, but are still grateful for everything they have. The ghost does receive Scrooges attention to how he is responsible for the things he had done to the poor: Spirit! said Scrooge, Show me no more! Conduct me home. Why do you delight to torture? This extract shows that Scrooge is feeling culpable for the things he had done to the unfortunate; before he looked at them with scorn and disgust but now he considers watching the poor and the ghosts of his past in agony, deeming it as torture for himself. This may be a jovial, comic ghost story, but it is also a very serious description of Victorian social attitudes towards society. Charles Dickens makes it very clear of the results of disregarding his caution towards the underprivileged: Most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is doom unless the writing be erased. From this quote you can see evidently that Charles Dickens is trying to send a message to us, the readers of the novel, that if we as human beings continue to ignore the poor then doom will be written in our fate. The message that Charles Dickens is trying to send us through this book is that the rich and middle class should not ignore the poor or they will suffer greatly for their actions in their afterlife. This message is relevant in todays society that does not believe in an afterlife. This is because although there are people drifting away from the religious side of life there are still religious people who exist in society who believe in these sort of messages that there should not be any sort of inequality in society-both status wise and race wise. Also though there may be non-religious people or atheists in society who dont really abide by rules and regulations of a religion, but, they still have morals and a sense of feeling of how they should treat the poor. Therefore whether you look at it in a religious point of view or a non-religious point of view you will still find that such morals and messages are still significant in todays world.
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